Posts by Sacha
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3000 of Idea's support workers 'strike' for one hour on Thursday morning.
Hard News: Local journeys on the cusp of…, in reply to
Treasury has been increasingly shaping or denying health sector capital spending decisions (and have a seat on the hospital redevelopment committee) but under Ryall a lot of work also went to the big accounting consultancies to reinforce the sort of viewpoint he preferred. Cost of everything, value of nothing.
Hard News: Local journeys on the cusp of…, in reply to
the Health Dept put the kibosh on a 700 car carpark near the Hospital
without knowing any details, seems more likely that Treasury turned down extra funding.
Boy with Down Syndrome and violent behaviour kept in Chch mental health unit due to lack of appropriate lower-restriction facilities. Children's Commissioner is unamused and seeing similar cases.
Hard News: Local journeys on the cusp of…, in reply to
SUPPORT the proposed changes, subject to addressing the off-road parking issue
Important, yes. Far too common for our decision-makers to veer black-white.
Hard News: Local journeys on the cusp of…, in reply to
Thanks for that - with footpaths & bike lanes, is the upshot that local authorities have to fund these?
Cycling infrastructure, as Matthew noted, depends on whether it is adjacent to a motorway. Otherwise in the Auckland region, Auckland Transport manages the whole width of the road corridor including the footpaths.
Hard News: Local journeys on the cusp of…, in reply to
AT are just calling the footpaths "shared paths" and saying job done
Saw that on the sea-side of Beach Rd today - they seem to have conceded defeat on their poorly-designed cycle lane alongside footpath combo and marked the cycle lane as officially walking plus cycling. Guess who loses.
Hard News: (Good) Friday Music: In and…, in reply to
one of the guitarists had ‘my’ Flying Nun ‘eyeball cherub logo’ tee on!
onya. that must be an amazing feeling
Hard News: Behind those Herald…, in reply to
much of the public transport infrastructure is of most benefit to people who live centrally. The further out you go, the more dispersed PT becomes.
Seen the Congestion Free Network v2? Lots more sideways connectedness.
Noted writes that foreign financing changes are having an impact.
The Auckland property market is a giant Ponzi scheme that is kept alive by new entrants — domestic and foreign — piling in. As soon as that tapers off, the Ponzi is in deep trouble. The Herald is very interested for that reason in pulling in more punters and maintaining its property advertising revenue just as the government continues to bring in record numbers of migrants to goose GDP figures and prevent the housing market from collapsing.