Posts by Just thinking

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  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Danyl, could you raise your aim above the fallacious ice cream cone.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    It's a historical bias, sure, but so are our grassed parks and rose gardens.
    It is beautiful, valued by many and will wither without this structure to support it.

    The true talent of this decree is to get the liberal elite to destroy themselves, rather than stand strong and supporting these valued cultural taoanga.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Come on guys, were not in a plane crash in the Andes and Concert FM isn't one of the dead. There's no need to cannabalise it just yet.

    What is the cost of running a second station, a few DJs who crossover onto Nat Rad?

    It's a music station for mostly out of copywrite music (there we go again).

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland: where only one man votes,

    Sacha, it's not that the Dairy/National lobby over lap are trying to gain power. They have it, they've overplayed it, they'll lose it & so they wish to stop the game before they get voted out.

    Creech has conflicts of interest, Low has conflicts, they match the National aligned Ecan councillor conflicts and let's remember legal advice.

    Serious Fraud Office, where are you?

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    Not a huge leap of logic.

    Could make a few other tiny steps about the lives being lead that culminated in these horrific crimes, but I'll wait untill after the trial.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Research Fail,

    They do believe in it, they just don't accept it.
    This way they get to divert funs to their preffered schools (businesses - this goes beyond education) and create failure in others by underfunding etc and then claim victory for their (schools) success.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland: where only one man votes,

    Disenfranchised, that's a sure cause for change.

    Ecan operate well and have turned down applications and prosecuted thieving farmers for their theft of water. Dr Bryan Jenkins seems to me to be a bit right leaning and has plans for scores (no kidding) of Hydro schemes in Canty, in part to feed the industrial dairy machine. And everyone knows this is Kiwi fruit with tits on (not a sustainable industry - economically & of course environmentally).

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland: where only one man votes,

    This is getting serious, the destruction of Local Govt, Nation wide.

    Central Govt owns $120 Bill in assets.
    Local Govt owns $108 Bill in assets.
    (Numbers plucked, willing to be corrected.)

    National campaigned on no asset sales, this was explicitely National Assests. And so Rodney is targeting Local Govt Assets, Auckland City & now Ecan with a Fijian dictatorship over our water.

    I think this is worth a listen to as a comparison for process - RNZ Fiji Bottled Water - same process, different location.

    This is anti-democratic, anti-civil society and anti-intellectual. Here in Canty we have representatives and advisory bodies of worthies and intellectuals, not perfect to my book, but the best I've seen throughout the country.

    As such our decision makers are informed, as much as they close their eyes & ears to it, they are informed.

    There is more to come on conflicts of interests (hell that's too long, I'll just call it corruption) of at least one sitting Councilor, who advised whom of what they could do when dismissing Ecans legal advice provided as part of their normal function (read free).

    As to the City Councils knives in Sir Kerry Burkes back - it would be worthwhile to check out Sideshow Bobs track record.

    This guy is worth a squizz
    "the State pays for the blunders of private enterprise... Profit is private and individual. Loss is public and social."

    Islander, are you drawing a distinction between Kai Tahu & Tront?
    It would be good to see Kai Tahu politicised, Tront not so much.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland: where only one man votes,

    Where is Brendon Burns?

    I don't rate him, & he often gets his facts wrong, but could we at least hear a squeak about this?

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland: where only one man votes,

    Ecan governance at issue, 8 months out from elections.

    A number have had warnings and dispensations for their conflicts of interests, not turning up, and casual racism.

    So a new body with appointees looking after the most widely irrigated region & 70% of NZs fresh water is to be appointed.

    Red Zones are the over allocation areas = market failure.

    There is no recourse to impose reductions in water take (to my knowledge).

    It's always puzzelled me that Taylors Mistake misses the poo overflow from Christchurch.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

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