Posts by andrew llewellyn

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  • Hard News: Because They Could,

    I took that test... apparently NZ First is my party with their and my views in 78% alignment! AAARRGGHHH!!!!

    apologies, but that did make me laugh.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: Pregnant Calamity,

    Oh yeah, and when the worst gets here, we'll eat the cat.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: Pregnant Calamity,

    What is it with ginger cats? Ours is a aerialist & used to traverse a 3rd story window sill (from the outside) - the idea was that as he came along, we'd open the window & he'd come into the kitchen.

    One day his timing was off & he walked past the only openable window & came to the end of the sill.

    We could only watch then, as his predicament set in & he attempted to turn around... quite an impressive manoevre even if unsuccessful.

    The landing was more of a whoosh than a thud because he landed in a large catnip bush.

    He was hyperventilating when found, but happy.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Hard News: Punk'd?,

    But on the other, he claims he was oblivious to his colleagues dodgy dealings even though Elders was a small firm and they were all mates.

    Um... was it that small? I worked for them in the late 80s/early 90s & we had 4 floors of Elder's House (now something else - that place with a big head outside in Victoria St) in Wellington, as well as an AUckland office & subsidiaries - all reporting back to HQ somewhere in Oz.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Send in the clowns,

    Cheers Hadyn, so it's not a sitcom.

    Speaking of guys dressing as queers and women, does anyone want to compare and contrast with The Millen Baird Show?

    No, because I've never heard of it - but does anyone else (aside from me) suspect that Julian Clary is secretly straight?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Send in the clowns,

    Never seen it - I'm guessing (by the names Daffyd, Myfanwy etc) that it is set in Wales?

    A quick look at wikipedia shows me this:

    At Kelsey Grammar School,

    Brilliant. A lot easier to pronounce than the one I went to.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Hard News: Punk'd?,

    Last I heard, said book was starting to end up in the bargain bins. No one seemed to take it very seriously to start with. I myself thought it was unintentionally funny.

    At a family birthday party in May, a guest (who is rumoured to be a campaign manager for a Nat candidate) was positively gleeful about the contents of the book:

    "Do you know how many of them are gay or lesbian?" he asked of anyone who would listen.

    "All of 'em" I said & got brownie points for the future.

    He & his circle definitely took it seriously (they were outraged at Nicky Hager & the Hollow Men though).

    Some of the other guests were a bit bemused. Particularly the ones who work for cabinet ministers.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Random Play: Modern Life is Rubbish,

    People with the same name as me posting their psuedo political ramblings to the Letters to the Editor page of the Herald.

    Like this

    Aw man, what a boredom buster! I've just fired off 15 letters signed as Ray Gilbert, to 6 newspapers on sunspot activity & its effects on United Future's polling.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Classics Are Rubbish Too,

    I liked this quotation from the beginning of chapter 2 of the God Delusion:

    Winston Churchill's son Randolph somehow contrived to remain ignorant of scripture until Evelyn Waugh and a brother officer, in a vain attempt to keep Churchill quiet when they were posted together during the war, bet him he couldn't read the entire Bible in a fortnight: 'Unhappily it has not had the result we hoped. He has never read any of it before and is hideously excited; keeps reading quotations aloud "I say I bet you didn't know this came in the
    Bible ..." or merely slapping his side & chortling "God, isn't God a shit!"'

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Hard News: Poll Crunch,

    My favourite

    Shane Warne : I've waited two years for another chance to humiliate you.
    Daryll Cullinan : Looks like you spent it eating.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

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