Posts by Alfie

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  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    how strongly could the Panama Papers leaks benefit the global social democrat movement…?

    That depends on exactly how many prominent people are exposed in various countries over the coming months.

    What’s happening in Iceland at the moment is fascinating with the PM, Finance and Interior Ministers all being exposed as money launderers. The PM walked out of an interview today, called Police on a Norwegian crew and has refused to talk to the National broadcaster.

    Before this scandal broke the minority Pirate Party held just three of the 63 seats in the Althingi – what a delicious name for a parliament – but polls last month put them at 36% which makes them the most popular political party in Iceland. Their philosophy is to overturn corruption and nepotism and transfer power from the wealthy to the general public of Iceland.

    Following the release of the Panama Papers the Pirates have announced that they’re anticipating a snap election. Today’s planned mass protests outside parliament suggest this may not be wishful thinking. One of their MPs said:

    I know in my heart this Prime Minister is not going to step down. So the only choice the general public in Iceland have is to stand outside the Parliament house and scream at it – and hope that the people inside will listen.

    We could do with some of that passion in New Zealand. It’s time for a damn good scream.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Speaker: Are we seeing the end of MSM,…,

    Lest this becomes a bash the Herald thread, it’s worth mentioning that Newshub are equally capable of poor research and typos.

    TV3 ran this story last Thursday on Stonewood Homes coming back from liquidation under its new owners. Almost everyone in Christchurch would be aware of this story, but somehow former owner Brent Mettrick became “Merrick” (1:07) and the company was captioned (1:16) as “Stonewhood”.

    Basic errors like this would never have gone to air when Phil Corkery was the ChCh bureau chief. But alas, he disappeared in Weldon’s recent cleanout.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to izogi,

    I have mixed feelings about this thread being used for any and every generic gripe people have about the current government, of which I’m also in part guilty.

    Agreed... it can get a little loose, especially (mea culpa) in this thread, but sometimes there's really nowhere else that's quite suitable.

    As Slater and Williams both played an integral role in Dirty Politics they deserve a mention here. Political tactics which mimic the modus of the people who starred in the book? They seem to fit here naturally, but I'm certainly open to guidance.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    Thanks Sacha and Linger. It's easy to forget that most people have either short memories or little interest in such matters. I'll keep my due care and attention hat handy.

    Moving onto a slightly less contentious subject, still relevant to this thread. Colin Craig filed a claim in the North Shore District Court last week seeking "more than $13,000" from Slater Junior's company, Social Media Consultants Ltd for publishing Craig's Ode to Rachel on his blog.

    Jordan Williams of Taxpayers Onion infamy is named as a second defendant. And in a move that's bound to keep a few lawyers happy, Craig is also suing Slater personally for defamation in a separate action.

    In the papers Craig "identifies himself" as a secret songwriter, poet and fiction author. Is there no end to the man's talent?

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to Alfie,

    [Redacted a bit here: please don’t try and skirt around suppression orders. RB]

    Sorry Russell. I thought I was being discreet in not mentioning names but point taken.

    This does raise the more general issue of the effectiveness of suppression orders when 90% of the country is already aware of a defendant’s identity. This was highlighted during jury selection this morning…

    … Justice Venning told prospective jurors that recognising the accused man’s name was not enough to bar them from sitting on the jury.

    While we’re all aware of the wider ramifications of this case, I appreciate that specific comment should be reserved till it’s over. There is a high probability that permanent suppression may be granted, effectively silencing that important discussion forever.

    [Alfie retreats back to the naughty chair]

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Speaker: Are we seeing the end of MSM,…, in reply to Ian Dalziel,


    I see your Pura Ian, and raise you a rather large joint.

    This 'latest' headline is prominent on the front page of the Herald site at the moment, and the linked story -- Cannibas protest goes up in smoke outside the White House -- has the same misspelling.

    The story is pulled from the Washington Post where the error doesn't exist, so the headline seems to have been rewritten locally for humour -- another classic Herald fail.

    Cannibas? Whatever are those Herald subbies smoking?

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Speaker: Are we seeing the end of MSM,…,


    When it comes to proofreading, subs can never be too cafeful.The Herald manages to prove this on the front page of their site at the moment as well as in the headline and metatags of the story. Doh!

    Caféful – when a journo loses all literacy skills as the result of consuming too many lattés.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Polity: Saudi sheep: Misappropriating…,

    Despite John Key claimed to have "raised” the issue of human rights with the Saudi king last year, the evil Kingdom seems intent on breaking its own impressive execution records. Here’s the latest figures.

    Saudi beheadings
    2013 – 79
    2014 – 88
    2015 – 158
    2016 – 82 (so far – projected to reach 320 by year end)

    The majority of those executed have been found guilty of adultery, “sorcery” or drug receiving. Newsweek ran an interview with a Saudi executioner in 2014 – "When it comes to beheadings, ISIS has nothing over Saudi Arabia" – he gets $4,000 for every head he removes.

    The general wisdom amongst human rights groups is that the Saudis choose to execute effectively by royal command, rather than fulfilling any requirement of Sharia law. There are judges involved, but they’re mere puppets of the regime.

    “Political dissent” has joined the list of crimes requiring barbaric punishment and teenagers aren’t exempt, like this fifteen year old boy. He and his friends were accused of participating in a protest rally and tortured into making ‘confessions’. He’s still waiting on death row.

    Almost nobody has been beheaded for terrorism. The guilty are not permitted access to defense lawyers. If you don’t speak the Saudi language then bad luck… no translators are allowed. It’s a process that lacks even a cursory connection to justice.

    Remind me again why the National Government is so keen on sucking up and using taxpayer money to pay bribes to these bloodthirsty despots? Oh, that’s right. In the neoliberal fantasy world, the almighty dollar god always trumps human rights.

    Just how is that abattoir going Murray?

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    I see the trial of a certain "prominent New Zealander" on twelve charges of indecent assault begins on Monday. Finally.

    The charges, which include allegations of touching the complainants on the breast, buttocks, groin and thigh, are punishable by up to 10 years’ imprisonment.

    Being a man (formerly) of influence, he’s been granted name suppression for the remainder of the trial.

    [Redacted a bit here: please don't try and skirt around suppression orders. RB]

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: UNGASS and the "Drug Free…, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I think your mistake here Alfie is treating something Coleman said on the issue as a statement made in good faith.

    You're right Russell, and I fear the minister's problem could be symptomatic of deeper issues. Take these two news stories from today.

    Such as this open letter signed by more than 70 medical specialists calling for a sugar tax. Despite an overwhelming body of evidence and a recent Herald poll (11,700 responses) showing more than 80% of voters would approve of a sugar tax, Coleman wasn't moved.

    Despite what the letter said, Dr Coleman did not agree that there was more evidence supporting the effectiveness of a tax on sugary drinks than the 22 strategies in the Government's existing plan to combat obesity in kids.

    Evidence? What evidence? Katherine Rich couldn't have put it better.

    Another example. There have been numerous complaints since the Southern DHB decided to go along with the government's plan to ditch local hospital kitchens and truck in frozen meals from Auckland. They're supplied by some airline caterer but a multinational, in this case Compass Group, gets to clip the ticket along the way. Naturally.

    Photos of the food being served show varieties of bland slop, the ODT has been filled with reader criticism and numerous meals on wheels clients have cancelled the service.

    Cue Dr Coleman. He arranged an unscheduled, media-excluded spin session today where he promised to actually taste the food. Or some food, at least. It's unclear whether the food served to the minister was identical to that being forced upon the poor patients, but Coleman felt moved enough to pronounce it as being "excellent". Uh huh.

    Fellow Nat MP Michael Woodhouse even tweeted a photo of Coleman looking at the dish with the comment, "Very Yummy!" Almost all the responses tend to disagree with the minister's opinion.

    Of course Coleman wouldn't want the media present. The video showing his nose growing would quickly become a meme once John Oliver got hold of it.

    Coleman... good faith? My arse.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

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