Posts by Danyl Mclauchlan

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  • Indiana Jonesing,

    You mean like so hated that a massive 43% of Democrats still prefer her

    You don't pick your vice-president to appeal to your core base. Hilary's sky-high negatives have stayed pretty steady within the overall population of US voters - almost half the country hates her and simply will not vote for her ever.

    That didn't mean she couldn't win as a presidential candidate - as George W proved, all you need is a tiny margin in the right states - but makes her useless as a vp.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Indiana Jonesing,

    There's already talk of him paying off her 10+ million dollar debt

    I'm not sure the people who donated to the Obama campaign would be too thrilled to see their cash handed over to their multi-millionaire enemy.

    I guess its possible Obama will pick Clinton as VP but I think he knows that would lead to a four to eight year perpetual power struggle if they made it to the White House.

    There's also the question of how the two camps could possibly coordinate the presidential campaign at their current levels of animosity.

    And I don't buy the argument that he needs her to boost support in problem demographics. He needs someone, but it doesn't have to be his implacable enemy and one of the most hated, polarising figures in American politics - some cross-over Governor in the mid-west will do just as nicely.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Indiana Jonesing,

    White Americans?

    I guess she figures it'll help her numbers in West Virginia.

    It does make you wonder what's she's doing though. She's just hit the tipping point where significant numbers of 'black Americans' will stay at home in November rather than vote for her and there's simply no way a democrat can win without huge support from that community.

    So is this all about spoiling tactics or has she just totally lost perspective?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Indiana Jonesing,

    There's nothing I find more hilarious than a transplanted guy from New Zealand patronisingly telling *an African-American woman* how she should be feeling about discrimination in her own country. Are you fucking kidding me dude?

    You ain't seen nothing yet - wait 'til Obama's the democratic nominee and you'll have James dropping by to rant about how he's a drug-dealing, muslim terrorist pimp. THAT'S gonna be the funny stuff.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Indiana Jonesing,

    Reports from Gary are claiming that they had 95% voter turnout that broke %75 for Obama. Those numbers are so unbelievable that . . . I kind of don't believe them. Very dodgy.

    A few blogs are reporting that Clinton has cancelled all her public appearances for tomorrow. If she's going to throw in the towel then she might have held back on begging for donations earlier tonight. Wouldn't that piss you off if you threw the [insert gender neutral insult here] a couple of hundred dollars and she withdrew the next day?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Indiana Jonesing,

    I hate to interupt all the bitching, whining, groveling and general special pleading but Andrew Sullivan has an interesting post from one of his readers explaining how the NC delegates break down:

    As you watch results come in, important to know this:

    Indiana has 72 delegates...47 will be decided by results in congressional districts. There are 9 congressional districts.

    In congressional districts 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9 there are 6 delegates each. These delegates will be split 3-3 -- you need to win 58 percent or higher in order to get a 4-2 split. So that means all Obama has to do is hold Hillary to 58 percent or lower in each district and they split. Which means he stays ahead.

    (Cong district 1 is Lake County up near Chicago, 2 is the South Bend area, 7 is Indianapolis, 8 is the SW quandrant and 9 is the SE quandrant.)

    Districts 3 (North Central Indiana), 4 (West Central) -- both strong Hillary areas -- and 5 (Eastern and Northern suburbs of Indianapolis (a tossup) have four delegates each. These delegates are also split 2-2. In these districts, in order to get a 3-1 split, the winner has to get 65% or higher! So Obama's task is even easier/Hillary's task is even more difficult there.

    District 6 (Eastern edge of state...Muncie, Anderson, Richmond, also suburbs of Fort Wayne and Cincinatti) has 5 delegates. Winner there gets 3 out of 5. That is a district to watch tonight because it can be a tie-breaker.

    The other 254 delegates are mayors and other elected party officials who go the way of their districts, and of course the superdelegates.

    So far Clinton and Obama have pretty much split them -- but the good news for Obama is, of the three remaining undecided superdelegates, rumor has it all three are eager to go with Obama if given even the slightest excuse.

    Everybody got that?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Indiana Jonesing,

    Interesting that they're comfortable calling NC this early in - suggests a hell of a victory for Obama which could be significant in such a comparatively large state.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Indiana Jonesing,

    BTW, if Hilary’s a witch what does that make Bill?

    Her Familiair, surely?

    (Check out the section in the article on Prince Rupert's poodle. Weird stuff)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Indiana Jonesing,

    Uh. Calling a Democrat who commands the support of about 50% of the Democratic constituency "evil" may not make you a sexist, but it may suggest [figure it out for yourself]. Sorry, harsh but true.

    Tell me, do you also apply this logic to the current president? By your reasoning his electoral success in 04 makes him a pretty good guy, no?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

  • Indiana Jonesing,

    And.... sexism. Awesome.

    I don't think its sexism to loath Hilary - at the start of the the primary I was happy for either of them to win the nomination but leaning towards Hilary because I had doubts about Obama's experience. My new-found hatred has nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with the way she's conducted her campaign.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 927 posts Report

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