Posts by BenWilson

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  • Hard News: Angry and thrilled about Arie, in reply to James Butler,

    Where do I sign up?

    LOL. Yes, my smartphone is like the sexiest piece of equipment I've owned in years, couldn't keep my eyes/hands off it for weeks. I realized it was going too far when I found it in my hand when I woke up one morning.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Angry and thrilled about Arie, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    I have something like it on my Android. You point it and it shows the sky stars, and other objects. Definitely works. It's not based on pattern recognition, just location and orientation of the phone, so it's a bit laggy, but basically works.

    ETA. Also, point it at the ground, and it still works. It is kind of neat to see what stars around about to come up, and to always be able to point to Jupiter.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Why Rightwingers Should Support…, in reply to Gareth Ward,

    I've got the same 2 halves, Gareth. But also in my mind about the second half is "National's partisan kneejerkery could bite them in the arse and erode their support on this one". So actually, both halves are positive.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meanwhile in Epsom ..., in reply to andrew r,

    You're voting Act for gods sake !!!

    Yes, I think they need big billboards up there during the election saying "A vote for ACT is a vote for ACT". Sometimes you need to state the obvious.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Angry and thrilled about Arie, in reply to Kyle Matthews,

    I don't think it's terrible in general for politicians to have extensive powers. But I'll agree that it can be misused, and is probably being misused by Collins. It's on us (netizens, as pretty much the new real fourth estate) to make sure that people know about it. To think that she was once my lawyer, and actually believed in the rights of defendants, so my mate who worked for her tells me.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Why Rightwingers Should Support…,

    Yes, it does seem like an idea that's been ruled out by arbitrary thinking from long ago. It might lead to the beginning of a sweeping change to our curious orthodoxy in NZ that is so damned unorthodox everywhere else in the world.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Angry and thrilled about Arie, in reply to Islander,

    but I kept on adding more and more stuff (totally necessary stuff of course)

    Of course! There's only one thing I've never used in my bag - the foldup raincoat. It's never that rainy...yet.

    My tape measure is most often used to keep my son amused. It clicks on the way out, is covered in numbers, and goes zip back in when you push the button. Beats the crap out of a toy car.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Cracker: Another Capital Idea..., in reply to Lucy Stewart,

    I can't bankroll it, but it's not that hard to test out for yourself. Just start by thinking about money and how to make it all the time, recusing yourself from all the good work you currently do. I sorely doubt that if you put your intelligent mind diligently to such a menial task, that you couldn't massively increase how much money you had. You might love it, in which case great. Or you might hate it. What have you got to lose, except for your identity, values and sanity?

    ETA: I'm dead certain I clicked Reply To on Sacha. O well.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Cracker: Another Capital Idea..., in reply to Sacha,

    I for one would welcome that type of problem :)

    Depending on the severity, so would I. If someone said to me that the cost of more money will be lifelong severe depression, I would think twice. In fact, that's precisely the choice I'm facing right now. It's been very empowering to choose happiness, I must say. Time will tell whether it is a wise choice. I hope I get both, but currently, in the balance, I'll take the happiness over the money.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Angry and thrilled about Arie, in reply to Islander,

    OK, my pants weigh about 5 kilo, but I am secure & happy steppin' out in 'em...

    I eventually switched to a man-bag, once I realized I kept going through too many pants pockets. It was very hard to find an appropriate one, women have such an enormous range, but I had to find something "manly". In the end, I've settled for something that looks like a camera bag. Sounds like it's got all the same stuff as your pants, but a few more child specific things, nappies, wipes, small toys, etc. The good thing about the bag is that it saves the pockets - I keep wallet and keys in there, and used to keep phone, right up until the latest one, from which I am inseparable.

    and hey, isnt that the point? High-functioning weirdos like me, who do contribute, one way or the other , may need such self-organised re-assurances. No harm done to anyone...*

    Well, one day, that Leatherman could save a life, too. You never know. I've found the device most frequently used in my bag apart from wallet and keys is the tape-measure. Weird, schmeird. I call it practical.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

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