Posts by mark taslov

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  • Hard News: Word of the Year 2014: #dirtypolitics,

    I’ll admit I had a moment a few day back, on seeing that #dirtypolitics had gained so much traction in its WOTY bid. This thought was comparable to say the 32/33 Australian Ashes squad selecting #bodyline – the means of the their defeat – as their WOTY. It occurred to me that looking back on 2014 #dirtypolitic’s legacy wouldn’t be so much a change of Government or a bringing to justice of those involved, the legacy is Nicky Hagar’s house being raided and #dirtypolitics winning PAS WOTY.

    Having had time to reflect in the interim, I think there is a positive to be taken from this. That being as we move forward, and look back on those most notable of outcomes, we’ll also be able to reflect on exactly how – despite being armed with the hefty Dirty Politics arsenal – flimsy our opposition was.

    I’m reminded of hobo freelance journalist Keith Ng lamenting all the other journalists for not doing enough to follow up stories raised by Dirty Politics. I’m reminded of journalist Gordon Campbell rebuking hobo freelance journalist Keith Ng for his lament of all the other journalists. And not to single any individuals out, because we’re all culpable in our own ways, that was just a moment that twanged.

    This is most assuredly about #us, for that is the very nature of democracy. It is our privilege and obligation to push back, as hard as is applicable – be it at the ballot box, on the net, on the street or over a swish merlot in Newmarket, through words, through actions and even through inaction, far beyond preaching to the converted, it is our responsibility to facilate the dissemination of the facts and the underlying morality to the greatest possible audience in the most effective manner.

    At the end of the day, this victory leaves us with a scar that we can never cover, a constant reminder of our failure, we are forced to take stock, learn, develop and make more tengible progress.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Terror panics and the war imperative, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    He's got a gun license

    The question I'd have is; who completed that psych report?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Terror panics and the war imperative, in reply to Dismal Soyanz,

    And given that this fellow wasn’t actually on any Australian watch list, it rather beggars belief that Key can make such outrageous claims.

    This Key quote from Stacy Kirk’s morning report, seems to have been culled in the update, Google cached.

    "We know that as part of those 30 to 40 people we identified on the first list, that there are people who spend a lot of time on the internet, basically delving very deep into the messages and the propaganda that is coming out of ISIS [Islamic State],” he said.

    “spend a lot of time on the internet,” – at least it’s qualified, “… basically delving very deep into the messages and the propaganda that is coming out of ISIS”. That does sound quite dangerous, PublicAddress poster Marc C had a number of delving binges (above), I’ve been on a couple myself, if you were researching/ writing/ commentating on this phenomena you’d have to have a bit of a delve, perhaps a deep delve, into the messages, and propaganda, coming out of ISIS.

    Of course the authorities understand that their brief is to keep New Zealanders safe, as opposed to the very specific keep New Zealanders safe only from ISIS? Not for a moment has the task - to prevent the spread of violence as opposed to preventing the spread of ideologies - been forgotten. Despite Key's distraction I’d expect that the authorities' primary focus is actually geared towards watching those people with a history of threatening and violent behaviour, those who are purchasing weapons, amassing suspicious quantities of fertilizer, at least more so than those who spend a lot of time of time on the internet, deeply delving.

    Though I wouldn’t, but If I were to compile a watch list, in terms of who to keep tabs on, I’d prioritise the classic characteristics such as a history of mental health issues, a deep interest in firearms and weapon acquisition, a persecution complex, paranoid delusions, intense lack of empathy, prior criminal convictions, and most importantly a desire to find groups to sponsor their violence. e.g. something like this:

    Weapons Acquisition/ Sponsorship

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:19am

    ok i’m going to go look at 17hmrs at the gun shop

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:20am

    i like the savage left hand stocks

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:21am

    yeah…wonder if i can fit one of those stocks to a cz

    anshutz are dear as poison

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:22am

    nice gun

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:25am

    i think i will get a 300WSM in a tikka if i have to pay

    and reload my own

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:25am

    otherwise a 7mmWSM in something else and reload

    for my hunting rifle

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:26am

    pity tikka don’t make a 7mmWSM

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:26am

    with a 300WSM i’ve been told to put a Supressor on it otherwise it boots the shit out of you

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:27am

    also reccomended that i get the super varminter Tikka

    heavey barrell, plus picatinny rail for scope mounts

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:28am

    only prob is adds about 700 bucks to the rifle…so def need a sponsor i think…then there is the scope

    yeah it is just the model type…check it out…it makes sense with a 300 to have the extra weight

    [Suspect], 2/21, 2:43am

    i dropped my psch report intot he pigs this morning…the last line says “I consider [redacted] to be a fit and proper person to hold a firearms licence”

    [Suspect], 3/14, 7:01pm

    need a 300WSM for 100


    or a 338 lapua

    [Suspect], 5/6, 2:11am

    talking to the guy now

    will sell it to me for $2000

    [Suspect], 5/6, 2:17am

    i’ve got it if we want it for $2000

    [Suspect], 5/24, 7:28pm


    i can see a legit purpose for a MSSA…one or two…for 3 gun shoots

    or military target comps

    Persecution Complex/ Paranoid Delusion

    [Suspect], 24/11

    I wish they would hurry up…they played the real dirty politics…even tried to kill me…I have evidence of..

    [Suspect], 26/11

    Just to be clear, I never said the Labour Party were trying to kill me. That’s the spin the Labour Party have put on it this morning.

    The criminal conspiracy was large enough for some of them not to know what others were planning in parallel.

    Mental Health Issues

    [Suspect], 27/11

    Part of that was a plan to increase the pressure on me, knowing that I have been open and honest about my mental health issues and suffering depression, to push me to the point where I would kill myself

    Intense lack of Empathy

    [Suspect], 27/1

    Feral dies in Greymouth, did world a favour

    Fortunately we’ve yet to identify any such individual.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Terror panics and the war imperative,

    Safety fears for Cricket World Cup following Sydney siege

    Prime Minister John Key claims there are two people living in New Zealand who are capable of acting as lone wolves and repeating what happened in Sydney.

    I guess my question is, are these 2 peoples’ names going to be passed on to cricket venues and barred? Or are those with the lone wolf capabilities going to be allowed into the matches? If we’re letting the lone wolves into the matches, who fancies a day on the embankment?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Terror panics and the war imperative,

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Terror panics and the war imperative, in reply to mark taslov,

    The crass opportunism…in a more measured way. Andrea Vance has done great work this year.

    My apologies for causing offence in my earlier post, I was enraged. I've just put some friends on a plane from here where it does routinely happen to there where it "could happen" and feel sick about the way J.P. Key talks it up. Thanks for your patience Russell.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Public Address Word of the…, in reply to mark taslov,

    * Apologies, I do seem to have made an absolute balls up of a typo above. Please, in your mind, reconfigure the simple present tense refrain “we hate ISIS” to the progressive “we are hating ISIS♥”.

    ♥ until further notice.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Public Address Word of the…, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    2015 nomination – rectal feeding – old timey medical treatment, recently revived in a non kinky capacity under the Dick. What our allies lack in moral fibre they more than make up for in perverse creativity. Anyway...we hate ISIS, we hate ISIS, we hate ISIS. [emphasis]. ISIS are the threat, ISIS are the threat, ISIS are the threat. [claps]. 2 legs good, 2 legs bad, ISIS, ISIS, Boom Boom Afridi.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Speaker: Compulsory voting and election turnout,


    Just received! You better start packing those bags J.P. (Japy?)

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Speaker: David Fisher: The OIA arms race,

    this parrot lives!

    Yes Steve, certainly worth considering. even If it only puts the wind up Herr Dunne enough to distract him from his confounded smartphone tapping for just a couple of minutes each day, it would produce more efficient Ministers and a better shot for the unwashed.

    Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m assuming the implication with your suggestion is that if the Minister were to fail to acknowledge the request in time, the OIA request would simply proceed despite their inactivity?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

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