Posts by Craig Ranapia

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  • Speaker: Not even a statistic,

    Just my pathetic opinion of course.

    Not even a micron of pathetic there. And you know, I think you're right -- at least Rodney's "reluctantly" wrapping his brain around this but as long as he has a media platform very people have, I hope he (and his editors at The Herald) are going to be thinking a lot harder about how he uses it.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dotcom: Further news of the unlikely, in reply to Russell Brown,

    This makes things rather interesting, not least because it guarantees global attention for whatever the bombshell is.

    True - and it also raises the stakes significantly if this "bombshell" doesn't do the damage Dotcom thinks it does. To put it quite bluntly, nobody at The Guardian gets to vote in New Zealand.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: Not even a statistic,


    Thanks reciprocated -- I'm pissed off at those columns NOT even a little bit at everyone here who didn't agree with my read, but genuinely heard and respectfully engaged with it. That's progress.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: Not even a statistic, in reply to Jason Kemp,

    You may disagree but it does sound like progress. If we make any discussion on this topic an absolute minefield to talk about then no one will.


    With all due and sincere respect, Rodney could have made his points without trolling Maggie Barry whose harassment by Rolf Harris doesn’t actually put her under any special obligation to say or do shit. That’s not progress in my book, Jason. It’s just a more passive-aggressive version of what WhaleOil has done to Tania Billingsley. What ever Bob Jones, JT & Willie and Co. in the media line up to do to harassment and abuse victims (overwhelmingly women) every damn day. It’s just not OK, and frankly I don’t care what Rodney’s “intentions” are.

    Yes ALL men have actually got to learn that we’re not being very good allies when we’re privileging our own speech over (as Emma put it so well) the real experts here. Did Rodney actually stop for even a second and ask himself how Maggie Barry might feel about, in effect, being accused of complicity in every crime this person commits unless she stands up in Parliament and breeches name suppression? (It’s really easy to be brave when it’s other people facing the consequences, isn’t it Rodders?) Did he ever ask himself why Barry – like so many other women over decades – didn’t report her treatment by Harris to anyone?

    I don’t believe he did – and that’s rape culture too, folks. You never put responsibility for stopping abuse on victims, no matter how passive-aggressive or well intentioned you think you’re being about it.

    Any attempt to bring this out to the public arena (and why not close to an Election) is a positive thing. Dam having to tread lightly for some Politicians. Show us the true colours.

    Oh, you mean the politician who talked about her own sleazy harassment at the hands of Rolf Harris, which apparently gives Rodney Hide the right to troll her into breaching name suppression. That's the politician I'm talking about here, Sofie, and she's no less deserving of consideration than Tanya Billingsley, or Jackie Blue, or Sue Bradford and Georgina Beyer.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: Not even a statistic,

    Shut up Rodney. (No I’m notgoing to link, but he’s at it again and people wonder why victims of sexual assault, abuse and harassment don't report? Look in the mirror, Rodders.)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: A wretched editorial,

    So kind of Rodney Hide to "reluctantly" acknowledge "New Zealand does suffer a rape culture" today, shame it hasn't stopped him from concern-trolling Maggie Barry again.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: Not even a statistic, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    Ah, thanks for the clarification Sofie! Makes a lot more sense than my initial read.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: Not even a statistic, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    There seems to be a pattern with these ‘prominent public figures’ – that they can effectively buy their name suppression with a fat chequebook.

    Well, let’s have that discussion without buying into bullshit like this:

    Forget Rolf Harris, Maggie. He’s behind bars. Do the right thing and name this self-confessed offender in Parliament. Do what Parliamentary privilege allows: make right what our justice system got wrong.

    Name the sexual predator under privilege and enable other possible victims to come forward. Some of your colleagues know who he is. Ask them. Or me.

    You, Maggie, can do what no other New Zealander can do: you can name him.

    Where the fuck does Rodney Hide get off telling any harassment/abuse victim to shut up about their own experience, and move on to taking about what HE deems important in a manner HE dictates?

    The ODT described that column as “goading” Barry. I’d just call it “trolling” and guys, we’ve just got to stop it. To coin a phrase, it’s not OK to put the responsibility for jamming abuse culture on victims. It's not OK for us to be telling #yesallwomen what they should talk about, and when and how. It's not OK for anyone to co-opt people brave enough to talk about their experience of abuse and harassment into their own political agendas. Not ever. Not even a little bit.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Speaker: Not even a statistic, in reply to Paul Campbell,

    I can see why Maggie Barry seems unlikely to use her parliamentary privilege here, so close to an election I bet as soon as Rodney made his suggestion she got a call from NP head office.

    Oh, go away Paul. Perhaps Barry doesn’t take ethical advice from that particular corner (who would?), especially in the form of a pretty obnoxious attempt to co-opt her harassment in one hell of a patronising concern troll of a column? Which, when you get down to it, is just dick privilege in action.

    And perhaps, Paul, #notallmen can pay #yesallwomen the baseline respect of not denying them agency over their own actions.

    YUk yuk and yuk. The head office will only be soiling their name if they would do that. It makes a mockery of anything she says now.

    I’m going to regret asking this, but why? If Rodders knew who this guy was when he was in Parliament why didn’t he do the naming and shaming? Why doesn’t he do it now – apart from the simple reality that The Herald on Sunday wouldn’t publish it, and his column would be dumped like a hot turd if he did it anywhere else and was convicted of breaching name suppression?

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland's future: Keep calm,…, in reply to Paul Campbell,

    A friend recently called Auckland airport’s mercenary approach to customers especially the whole thing of forcing arriving and departing international passengers through their duty-free maze as “the New Zealand ride’s exit-through-the-gift-store”

    Could you point me towards an international airport that doesn't do exactly the same thing, because I've not come across one. (Anything that efficiently facilitates my speedy departure from the airport with a carton of duty free cigs tucked under my arm works for me.)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts Report

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