Posts by Andre Alessi

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  • Cracker: "It says 'Let's b friends', and…,

    I hope they choo-choo-choose you.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Though I never liked how…,

    I admit, I probably would have hated anything they came up with. But still...

    They could have had Jacob doings aome post-rock aural soundscape and I would have been happy. Would have been epic of they had Yulia warbling over the top about mountains and farms and shit too, and it'd keep the suits happy.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    It's a thought experiment in the flesh, as it were.

    My reading of the point of the legislation was that it was targetted more specifically at a certain kind of people trafficking that was supplying overseas dancers to the strip joints than as a general feminist policy opposed to the nature of stripping, although it's definitely been positioned as such in the discussion around the law.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Murray McCully made the decision I presume.

    That's one hip cat that is jivin' with the kids today, daddy-o.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    My beef about the RWW song is not with The Feelers (for once), but if it is "Right Here, Right Now" the song writing royalties will not go to a NZ musician. I'm sure a new or existing NZ song could be used that would satisfy both a national and international audience. That's a crap load of money gone wanting for a NZ artist. Shame.

    I'm telling you, "Gutter Black" is the way to go for so many reasons...

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    In keeping with female equality aspect of the thread. I wonder what the reaction might have been if the script had been flipped and it was a female killer preying on male victims in the vid ?

    At least then it would be saying something slightly more interesting than "I am a man and I like to kill women" which, in case you haven't noticed, is something of a problem in our society.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    I'm normally pretty easy going when it comes to "artistic" depictions of violence (I mean, my favourite show is Dexter) but I wastched that video last night and it was just pointless and stupid.

    I know there's a whole visual language of gore and violent, misogynistic fantasies in modern music videos (takes me back to ICP and Body Count) that this particular video is trying to be a part of, so I don't really see it as coming from left-field as such, though it's not very well made and the music is awful. What I do find odd is that a performer who is angling for something close to mainstream airtime (what else would you call someone who receives NZ On Air funding?) would think that trying to frame themselves as "underground" in this way fits in with all that. The whole point of making videos like this is to explicitly reject being tagged as mainstream.

    Stupid, greedy and lazy.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Dear Gerry,

    Remember back when Jon Gadsby was relevant? I was still in school uniform.

    Let me correct that: I was in school uniform because I had to be, it wasn't a fetish.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Transferring wealth to Wellington,

    OTT? You should see Baxter's Ode to Auckland!

    I like the version that starts with

    "Auckland, you great arsehole,
    There are some things I like about you,
    And some things I cannot like..."

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • OnPoint: P is for Potential,

    I think we're all overlooking the potential cash cow in the room:

    P tourism.

    Big spending foreigners from all over will come to marvel at our efficient and environmentally friendly P labs, buying locally produced baggies and glass pipes, talk with real actual P users about all the wonderful things P has done for themselves and their communities, and generally pay us lots of money just to do what we'd be doing anyway.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

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