Posts by Sam F
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Yup. Can't mark it on the PDF obviously, but the Arms is just a minute's stroll south of the boundary between Hobson and Eden-Albert, near where the boundaries for Western Bays, Eden-Albert and Hobson meet.
Seems quite a few people went for the dog-eating theme, including several teams in brownface. Sigh.
Have to admit a lot of the others are quite ingenious though.
Topical in these days of economic nosedive: Bale Out, Banks ?
I was talking to a friend of mine last night and we both agreed - nothing is quite so thrilling and fun when you are young as running away from the police.
Some cops enjoy the chase too, I've heard. All fun and games innit? Get out the batons and a few ambulances on standby and we're set. And is that Yakety Sax starting up in the background?
EVP Reverse Speaking's Peggy Kane on Afghanistan:
Think of the Earth as a gigantic movie set. The directors of the movie, the reptilians, had and to a small extent, still have, the most sophisticated technologies we could ever imagine to create the great movie here. The people of Earth are the players, but don’t know this. They think the movie is real. Everyone is in the show except for a few people who figured it out. Those people are of course, ridiculed for being nutty.
In order to keep the players from knowing that they are in the movie, great care is taken to keep the entities behind the curtain, secret. So they operated behind the scenes, in the astral world. The main action though, is in front of the camera where the wizardry is mind-boggling.
The directors can flip the action forward and into the past. They can stop action, take out players and replace them with their clones and then once everyone is in place, the action continues. No one misses a beat.
The scenes can change, the landscape, the time periods, but the players aren’t allowed to notice or remember any of this. They just play their parts.
If the directors want, they can insert a video from the past onto our TV sets, and everyone watching this little part of the play will think it’s happening right now and it’s real. The players too will be convinced of the reality of the whole show. If someone in this play, figures out too much, the action is stopped, and his cloned replacement inserted. The replacement will undoubtedly be less perceptive.
The show continues.
There was nothing of this in Mike McRoberts' TV3 Kabul jaunt, nor on the recent Media7 show. Why? I think we should be told.
Not into conspiracy theory much
Your profile website would suggest otherwise:
Humanity has been blamed for the mess here on Earth. The true puppet masters remain hidden. Their manipulations have caused this situation, yet most don’t even know they exist. Our suffering is calculated and it serves them. This reptilian race needs to be exposed and evicted. This is happening right now even if unseen.
[...] There are hundreds of articles and thousands of reversals and EVP. But don’t believe me or anyone else. You have the ability to speak about any subject and give yourself answers in reverse. You have the ability to check anyone in the public arena to see if they are giving accurate information. It’s all within, but not in our conscious minds which are awash in opinions, and beliefs, most of them faulty. Reverse Speaking is tapping into a part of the mind, usually unavailable except through this modality. It knows your true history and much more.
[...] I started experimenting 5 years ago trying to capture EVP (electronic voice phenomena). This is the recording of non-physical voices on digital and tape recorders. For 3 months I recorded every day and heard virtually nothing. I finally joined the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena AAEVP and got the technical support that I needed to hear the voices.
After about a year, I learned that spirit voices were reversible. By reversing what they said, I could hear if they were telling the truth. I began to experiment by reversing their voices as well as my own, and to my astonishment, in reverse, I was hearing and speaking to them in real time. I did not need the electronics. We were having back and forth conversations.
From there, I began to reverse all kinds of people who were speaking publicly as well as continuing to have conversations with non-physical people. Everyone, it seems, speaks in reverse.
Reverse speaking and EVP combined, have given me a glimpse into a part of the mind that was shut down thousands of years ago by an alien race who have been manipulating humanity ever since. The true knowledge is available to anyone willing to take the time and the small investment to have the equipment to listen. No one lies in reverse. We all know exactly what is happening and we are all desperately trying to tell ourselves.
I presume that's your regular username generator?
"The sun rotates around the earth" was once a "vastly more likely and widely supported... explanation."
Yup, and one with no compelling reason for the average beet-growing peasant to disbelieve it, until a credible alternative explanation arrived backed by devastating evidence.
If you're faced with accepting or rejecting a theory with *no* evidence to support or disprove it, and there are other theories that are widely backed and supported by evidence, I think it's wiser to reject than accept.
In fact, if there's no proof at all either way, or you are reliant on supposedly suppressed proof - and there are effective alternatives backed by data and consensus - just ignore that theory altogether. People are curious and the media love a suppressed explanation with evidence behind it. If there's a smoking gun it'll eventually be found.
As I began "Any argument either way is cultural imperialism"
Even an argument for Maori correcting a Maori word to better reflect the way it's spoken in their own language?
Sorry, I don't get it. Unless you're arguing that it's all pointless and that any 'authentic' Te Reo would require the wholesale abandonment of written language. And I rather think Maori should be the judge of the wisdom of that.
Were a sign for W(h)anganui to accord
total respect for the intrinsic features of the Maori language it would read "___________ "Um. Not meaning to come across rude, but...
In the absence of what you might call a perfectly 'authentic' system for doing the Maori language justice in written form, can we perhaps just allow Maori to decide on the appropriate treatment of their own freaking words ?