Posts by merc

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  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics,

    Time for some finer detail. Who gets the hydro power stations? Who gets the aluminium smelter? Will we be bailing out Comalco? What does a 10% limit mean, how will it affect the share price, how he will he guarantee it, and if the Govt. will be retaining 51% will they be appointing the CEO and running the partially sold companies?
    For some strange reason I am reminded of high country leases, the old battle.
    When Key says money from the sales will go to water, who will benefit?
    When Key says he takes advice from private entities, has he been talking with Fay?
    What is the difference from the Crayfar farms Chinese deal?
    Why has no one mentioned that Auckland Council leased it's bus lanes to an off shore firm and that failed because they would not invest in buses or drivers? And only wanted to run the profitable bus lanes so we propped them up anyway?
    Who else has Key been talking with regarding asset sales, any offshore banks?
    Will they grant iron sand mining as part of the sale agreements, i.e. what component parts of the assets include prospecting rights?
    Why no referendum?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics,

    It's fine, JK was an investment banker, he said so last night.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Solemnity of the Day,

    Hey EC, I'm all grown up, I can handle it.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics,

    Oops SM, the funny thing was when he would expansively spread his hands and give the...look here's how it is, speech, all fake gravitas with the...what we need, speech.
    Neither speech type produced one single, how, speech.
    Better economy = low wages + halved mortgages - bludgers
    Nice math, shame about the pointy tinfoil hat.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Solemnity of the Day,

    Two young men approached me holding brochures while I was checking my mail. They started to say they were representing my local Nat candidate, I asked where is he? They pointed over the way, I said bit thin on the ground, they laughed.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics,

    Gah, leaders debate thingy, how did it get to the place where a PM sounds like an investment banker who sees people as lazy work dodgers who may well be another species for all the empathy he can muster.
    So many things, the main thing, the main difference between the two is that one answered all questions clearly with steps they would take, the other obfuscated, leered, avoided and ranted petulantly (if I hear him say 9 years again).
    63% in favour of Key, has Farrar got that many cellphones?
    Oh and the Hobbit law was not your finest moment John and you should really know why. And why STV does not provide more women and minorities in parliament, pfffft

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics, in reply to Sacha,

    We have been well served ;-) Oh and I don't think it is a fair argument at all, the right that we the voters need to know why the sales must be enacted in order to make an informed vote, overrides the outcome of said sales, in my view. Because, since when in NZ legislation does it say the market must rule?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    I wish it was that ;-) His not telling is not legal (I wish), is undemocratic (remember us John!) and his not taking Treasury advice, and taking private oral advice (I can smell the agenda on his breath), either the work of a fool or a charlatan...or both.

    Asset sales information held back

    A significant amount of information is being held back from the public about this asset sales programme. In fact five official reports on asset sales policy are being kept secret.
    The Ombudsman has made an official ruling that the Government was right to refuse the release of these papers.
    The ruling says it is too early in the sales process, and if the information got out now it could affect the amount of money gained from these assets.
    The ruling also says the negative economic impact of that could be significant given the total asset sales price is expected to be between $5 billion and $7 billion.
    ONE News has argued that people need this information to judge whether the asset sales policy stacks up, given they are about to go to the polls in a few days' time.
    The Ombudsman will hear ONE News' final case tomorrow and make a final ruling probably by Thursday. That would leave one day for this to be debated before people go to the polls to vote on Saturday.
    This is not the work of an honest plan, why the rush?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics,

    Hatip No Right Turn,
    Why would Key block the OIA request? If what I suspect is going on, this could be very, very damning.
    Later, oh I see he is blocking it because it would affect the money he gets for selling if he was to tell us why he is actually selling, hmmmmm the Trader in him. I say any deal that you cannot talk about is a private conversation, oh that's right, he is Prime Minister.
    This smells real bad.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    Cargo cultism in part yes, but the fact remains successive Govts chop and change their policy focus like the wind and I would like to see us having more ability to keep them steady. The political switch and bait show is way too costly both economically and socially for our leaders to constantly play at...making it new!
    Hamish, I have darker thoughts.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

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