Posts by Ben Austin

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  • Speaker: Transformers: Less than meets…,

    As a man of the right age demographic I can confirm the aforementioned uber robots own the mindspace of my generation. Hell, I even watched beastwars, although not the episode with the plant transformer.

    If the popularity of our story on the now semi famous giant statue of Optimus Prime in China

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    About all I've seen of the bomb related fun was a young guy checking bags at the National Portrait Gallery. Oh, and every single newspaper has 2-3 pages coverage.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Cracker: Psst... buddy... got any BZP?,

    Christchurch beats out Melbourne for public transport? I don't know, I kind of like their tram/train/bus system - and I can't stress enough how much I enjoy single ticket systems - like in London.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not off to bed,

    It may seem rather obvious but if in a situation arose that caused british nuclear powered submarine to flee to NZ on the instruction of the British PM I hardly thing a legality would really come into it. Hypothericals are fun tho!

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not such as to engender confidence,

    This issue is getting a lot of press in the UK/America as well, largely negative too. I've had to try and explain it to people in the pub a bit as well, so if Howard was looking to make his whole country look like bad, Mission Accomplished!

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unflattering stereotypes…,

    I'm not actually arguing against making it free for Britain, I just suspect it could be rather costly if there was a complete digital archive of the BBC online. I believe the BBC is already trying to radically cut costs.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unflattering stereotypes…,

    Oh I can't wait to read the letters to the editor in Britain, I suspect 90% will be something along the lines of "I pay/d my licence fee and I have to pay again?!" etc.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Singapore, I have a problem,

    Ugh, don't get me started on triple/quadruple play...seems like nearly every advertisment in London is from some company offering their version of it. Between them and the free newspaper hawkers I'm begining to go a little mad.

    The only way to centre myself is to remember that back home I was begging for such choice, in both senses. Oh and Juha, read an article last week that you wrote about ULL. How very depressing and I hope you are wrong but fear that you are right. Oh and google news loved you last week, not once but twice I saw your stories leading on the GnewsNZ front page for Sci/Tech. I do believe you've made it!

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Singapore, I have a problem,

    That dating agency is great, for example, check out some of the membership rules. If I read it correctly one must call the agency to get membership if one isn't a university graduate.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    You forgot the 5 minute news/advertorial segment on the iPhone in July, despite the fact we won't be getting it in NZ till 200X.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

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