Posts by Andre Alessi

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  • Hard News: A solution in search of…,

    The official fruit of the Republic o Devonport

    Also, if last night's experience at Manuka was anything to go by, Devonport's official language is now German.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland: where only one man votes,

    The proposed "Council Investments" COO does look to have been specifically set up to sell off some assets eventually:


    This CCO would include investments or CCOs not held by the other CCOs proposed in this structure with a view to maximising returns for the Council. It is not proposed that the returns from this CCO will be tagged to any particular activity in the way that Auckland Regional Holdings returns are at present. Investments and commercial activities likely to be held by this activity include:

    • Auckland International Airport Limited (AIAL) Shares (Auckland City Council)
    • Manukau City Investments Ltd
    (the holder of Manukau City Council’s AIAL shares)
    • Auckland Regional Holdings (ARH) assets including Ports of Auckland shares, diversified financial assets and cash
    • Shares in NZ Local Government Insurance Corporation Ltd
    • Waitakere City Council’s Vehicle Testing Station (a business unit of Waitakere
    City Council)
    • City Parks (a business unit of Auckland City Council)
    • North West Auckland Airport Ltd

    Probably just my liberal paranoia distorting my view of reality, though.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Auckland: where only one man votes,

    I have an idea for the Herald, - perhaps they can run stories on the SuperCity under banner headlines of "DEMOCRACY UNDER ATTACK".

    Or have they already cried wolf on that one?

    I see what you did there.

    No director is going to go near a CCO if their appointment is temporary, until the new Council decides to "Len Brown" them out of office.

    You mean you have a problem with elected officials having the ability to influence/fire the officials that are nominally working under them?

    Democracy is hard, we should just give it up.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A solution in search of…,

    I do find this negativity about visitors to our country odd.

    I wouldn't take it all too seriously. It's not so much that there are "dirty drunken foreign people" wandering around that's a concern as that there will be a lot of people who aren't local (so are in holiday mode, with all the freedom from inhibition that can bring) who will be drunk, probably excited, and moving around in large groups in public and not-so-public areas. I'm sure it's exactly the same feeling Western Springs residents had on the night of the AC/DC concert, and equally an overreaction with a nevertheless understandable basis in reality.

    What does need to happen is some very careful thought about the kind of "disaster management" planning that can deal with these large groups and educate/direct them quickly and efficiently on the day before they become a problem. That's easy enough to do as long as someone remembers to do it at all-and right now some of us are getting the feeling that this is yet another aspect of planning that will be allowed to fall through the cracks.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A solution in search of…,

    That's the only kind they sell in Devonport now that it's full of snooty drunken Poms and South Africans. Andre will back me up on this.

    This man knows his coarse-yet-humorous stereotypes. Trust him. Preferably with your money.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A solution in search of…,

    The rest of Aucklanders are witches, apparently.

    Or ducks.

    But anyway, as a proud citizen of the People's Independent Republic of Devonport, I'm more worried about the deluge of snooty, drunken South Africans and Englishfolk who will be travelling across via ferry to swarm my lovely subu...on second thoughts, too late.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standards Matter,

    Without even getting into how the concrete reality that follows Key's wonderful feelings, as charted by Brash and his taskforce, involves dismantling social welfare.

    Just like it's a gut feeling that tells Pauline Hanson that foreigners are destroying "Australian" "culture" to such a degree that it's unrecoverable. Despite all evidence to the contrary.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A solution in search of…,

    We need to ensure that Fort St and K Road will be stops on the Walking Bus route.

    I can just see the hawkers for all the brothels snatching up some of those dayglo yellow vests and directing hordes of confused tourists into "pitstops".

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A solution in search of…,

    Sort of on topic: anyone know when Sal's Pizza down near Britomart will be reopening after their refurbishments?

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

  • Hard News: A solution in search of…,

    Andre: I know kicking McCully in the slats is the only politically correct blood sport left, but I'm really struggling to see how this is anything more than the kind of RWC dementia that's been going on for a long time. Cheerfully enabled, need I add, by the very people who are now starting to get a warning twinge in the region of their hip pockets. It's too damn late for buyer's remorse, bitches.

    Well, I don't think McCully's the only offender here by any means, but that doesn't let him off the hook either. The whole funding thing is a clusterfuck that should have been sorted out a year (or more) ago, and the continuing uncertainty around such huge chunks of money is just an embarrassment.

    Besides, doesn't buyer's remorse usually kick in after someone's paid for something? We can always run the whole thing out of a paddock in Taranaki for the price of a couple of bags of oranges and some gas for the barbecues.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts Report

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