Posts by Mikaere Curtis

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  • Hard News: Park Life, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Thanks, that really does put it in perspective.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: Park Life,

    I live near Fowlds Park which is on the other side of St Lukes Road from Chamberlain Golf Course and has a planned upgrade which will drastically change the integration between the lower and upper fields (replacing some of the sloping bank with a retaining wall). The upgrade is required because Eden/Albert simply does not have the number of fields to support the local population.

    So I see the proposals for modify Chamberlain in that context, greatest good and all that. And as a cyclist, it would be cool to be able to ride through the golf course.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: Team Little: pretty good,

    If caucus rankings were solely based on parliamentary achievements, then Sue Bradford would be leader of the Greens.

    I've met Mahuta, and she seems intelligent and articulate, both good qualities have on the front bench. There is also the symbolic acknowledgement that Maori are (still) staunch supporters of Labour.

    Perhaps Little wants to ensure he has a safe, if unspectacular, pair of hands in her role. If you agree with DimPost's assertion that the voters are suckers for competence and unity, then I think Mahuta is a good horse for that particular course.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: In The Green Room,

    I thought the concept worked well, albeit a few extant technical issues. The contrast between Cunliffe/Key soundbites and Metiria/Russel expansive policy points was telling.

    Nice work, Russell, I think you did a good job challenging M&R :)

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: In The Green Room,

    I am a Green Party member and activist, and have stood for election several times (but not this election).

    Here's my question:

    The stability of a multi-party government can rest on the stability of the minor parties (e.g. Labour/Alliance). Assuming you achieve roles in Cabinet, and are therefore subject to collective responsibility, how will you overcome the tensions between Cabinet and the Green's famous grassroots-driven consensus decision-making.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ...,

    I wonder how they are going to spin this ? Tucker's recollection back at the time was dodgy and his recollection now, three years later, is to be taken as the final word ?

    Where's the section in the cabinet manual that says you can be a pathological liar ?

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not doing justice,

    Green suporters tarred themselves, posting proof of vandalism on Facebook, as reported by ODT and seemingly as accepted by Metiria.

    Pete, what do you mean by "seemingly as accepted" ?

    This is what she actually said:

    "We don't want people defacing ours, and we don't approve others defacing other parties, they are expensive and they are part of the democratic process to allow parties to put forward their policies, such as ours, or their people, such as these ones," she said.

    Mrs Turei confirmed she knew one of the Facebook posters, but reiterated the party "does not endorse the defacement of billboards".

    As someone who regularly helps put up Green Party billboards, I can tell you that there is no time to vandalise other party's billboards because we are simply really busy. Plus there's that give away thing of, y'know, looking like GP supporters because of the trailer full of GP billboards. Seriously, you need to get a grip.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: The silence of the public square, in reply to Pete George,

    If IMP end up holding the balance of power with Labour and Greens in government I think there’s good cause to have concerns about what that may lead to.

    Things like our spooks actually obeying the rule of law ? Key being held accountable for any lies he may have stated during the whole KDC fubar ? Or perhaps we will see National MPs Godwinning ?

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: The crybaby philosopher,

    I actually thought the most remarkable point was when, pressed on how inequality of opportunity could be conquered, the first thing he said was “a good education”. It didn’t seem to occur to him that in railing against tertiary admission schemes in his speech, he was set against that very thing.
    He really didn't have a plan, did he ? I was waiting for him to lecture Maori about how it all could be fixed if we just pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps. What a lightweight.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: The crybaby philosopher,

    I did not know that Whakapapa recital, was required for eligibility to be on the Maori electoral roll
    AFAIK, it's not (it's been a long time since I applied for the Maori roll). What I meant was that Pakeha could switch the the Maori roll if they feel Maori (yet have no Maori ancestry), thus defeating Whyte's objection.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

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