Posts by Tony Siu
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Thank you to whoever suggesting Zotero (installing now!). Endnote is a evil piece of a software to work with on essays. It once ate my 3 page bibliography 6 hours before a post-graduate level essay was due. After a rather awkward meeting with the lecturer, I ran back to my desk that evening and type it out by hand in Word after recalling books and electronic journals from the library and then click "Sort > Paragraphs > Ascending". That was the last time I used Endnote!
Speaking of library databases, the UoA's library database (Voyager) have often been this slow moving thing that sits between students and their research needs. I think it had been there for a while, but now they have build a new catalogue besides the existing system @ that combined-search through the intertubes, Voyager, course material, thesis and journals into one results window (complete with rss feeds and other Web 2.0 stuff). I think I want to hug the head librarian when I first saw it.
Talking about Mac vs PC is about preferences and likeability. You can always provoke violences among the Mac fans by saying the words "Apple tax" or "expensive". And you also do the some with the PC folks with the words "Microsoft is evil". Truth to be told, both sides is right. However, it's the cost of the "0 new features but lots of improvements and adding minor things that should have been there in the first place" Snow Leopard that I'm arguing about. And yes, there are lower price academic version for both Windows (OEM versions goes for less than $120 bucks with future service packs release free) and Office (check out
Fine, it's not a service pack, it's a maintenance release regardless of size.
Sound like I started a flame war...
I logoff for a couple hours catching up on uni work. Yes, I know its a semester break. I have one more. From Ars's review:
The number-one feature request from heavy column-view users has finally been implemented: sortable columns.
Seriously, this is getting derisory.
And guys, there is nothing to be excited about an operating system.
So you spent $59 on having new features such as "Easy PDF text selection", "Faster startup and shutdown" and "Finder's icons can now be as large as 512 by 512 pixels". Finally, Mac OS X now has system-wide, user-definable text substitution—see the Text tab of Language & Text in System Preferences. And yes Redmond, that is the Find and Replace feature in your copy of Word since it appeared in Office during the Windows v3.1 days.
Yes, it is a service pack by definition.
Speaking of the way in which our national news is covered on TV, can someone explain to me why in the space of three years, how can Māori TV managed to snag Carol Hirschfeld and Judy, become the official broadcaster for ANZAC day completed with keynote speakers, concerts and heartfelt documentaries and have a news bulletin with talking heads, live coverage from urban and* rural areas - and TVNZ and to a certain extent TV3, while with pretty sets and computer graphics, can't even get their act together with live coverage (Note to producers: cutting back to the studio and have a wooden reporter standing there doesn't count as "live") and produce meaningful analysis of topical issues by asking the questions that Keith Olbermann would asked (like I don't know, say the economical downturn instead of dancing with the stars). Why?
This video make me smile after being stuck in the uni lab for the past two weeks...
Getting back to the holiday theme. I was so happy that my little "I'm off to Kai Iwi lakes with friends" message was played on NR on the 30th!
I think I'm going to flame war on this...
But seriously, promoting full page view, new templates and outline mode as new features in iWork shows how hard Apple have fallen. -
Thanks RB! Have a Merry Christmas everybody!