Posts by 3410

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  • Hard News: Where nature may win,

    NZ Police (and the entire NZ establishment, by extension) could not ask for a better public face for this incident.

    I wouldn't exactly call him cool-headed.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where nature may win,

    [The thread appears twice in System for some reason.]

    In fact, there actually are two threads.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Engagement,

    My sister tells me – because I didn’t hear it – that Mora is also very pro-National Standards.


    Only because it is the path of least resistance, I'm sure.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Engagement,

    lol, no really! I think Tux Wonder Dogs is one the best shows on the telly. Srsly.

    I know that feeling.

    Even my close friends and family think I’m joking when I tell them I like Home and Away.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Engagement,

    Are you talking about Jim Mora?

    ’Cos I love him on Tux Wonder Dogs.

    Yes, I am! He is, IMO, just awful. Yesterday's Panel was a classic example. It was notable first for the rare occurence of Jim Mora offering an actual opinion about something. Naturally enough, it was in defence of the Royals. In response to Tim Watkin's and Gordon Campbell's laughing at the "Unemployed Girl To Marry Soldier From Welfare Family" headline, Mora was compelled to respond something along the lines of "Steady on. They're so much more than that".

    Quite apart from the point of the headline - not that that is all they are, but that that the statement is at least true - going right over his head, he seemed to remain, as usual, blissfully ignorant of the implications of his comment, namely that others in such a position are not "much more than that".

    Later, as Tim Watkin and Gordon Campbell both executed clinical takedowns of the politically loaded terms of reference and approach of the Welfare Working Group, Jim was further reduced to nonsensical Steady-on,-chaps-isms.

    It's not that he's right-wing, as such. Rather, he has a reptilian response of politeness to absolutely everything, whether deserving of it or not, because he's too spineless to actually stand up for anything. I presume he's against the actions of Hitler or Pol Pot but, if so, not because of any moral conviction, but rather that he is unlikely to find anyone challenging his position.

    Gordon Cambell described the WWG's wilful ignoring of all of the social and political changes that have led to the current situation as "a trainwreck" and, a fraction reluctantly, as "a crime". When Tim Watkin noted that, in the old days, government departments soaked up the otherwise unemployable and mused whether the end of such things might have something to do with today's beneficiary numbers, Jim's pointless response was that some people were against it. More than once, GC and TW audibly groaned at his stupid questions an were forced to reply that "yes, that's the point , Jim".

    By the time the panel had moved on to addressing the Castor Bay party thing, Tim Watkin - bless him - seemed to have had enough of Mora's thudding thoughtlessness, and when JM pulled his usual "[insert personal prejudice] worries us [NZers]" trick ("out-of control youth", in this case), TW objected. "It doesn't worry me; it worries you ", he groaned. JM seemed rather hurt at having his autopilot prejudice challenged for once.

    In short, it's quite clear that Gentleman Jim considers any political analysis gauche. Personally, I find that kind of kneejerk conservatism more repellent than the likes of National Party Ministers who are at least partially aware of what they're thinking.


    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Engagement,

    Or at least, that’s the impression you got from the truly bizarre performance on The Panel this avo.

    Merely a healthy disrespect.

    The only bizzarre performance on that show today was from Mora himself. His simpering, utterly thoughtless, instinctive and relentless ingratiation to Establishment is truly sickening.

    God, I really hate that guy!

    Ah, that feels better!
    Night-night, all!

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Up Front: That's Inappropriate!,

    As long as we're getting all Canadiany...

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do you like what we've done…, in reply to matthewbuchanan,

    Hi, Matthew.

    Thanks for addressing some of my issues.

    Displaying all page numbers doesn’t scale to 20, 30, 40 pages of comments (the previous site didn’t behave that way either).

    Pretty sure that it did. I remember seeing at least three rows of page numbers on threads that got up to 60 or 70 pages.

    What’s your use case that requires all page numbers to be visible?

    Nothing specific; just that it's a no-brainer to click the page number one wants, whereas it takes a slight bit of mental shuffling to map out First / Older / Newer / Last in ones head.

    Allowing two rows would at least allow all of the first, say, 20 to be displayed, but anyway, not my call, and my point's been made. :)

    There’s also a “Read Post” link right up there by the date. :)

    True. I hadn't noticed it until you mentioned it. I still think that it's anti-intuitive to have essentially a headline that links to a different page but, again, not my call. :)

    Cheers. At some point I'll definitively collate all my outstanding complaints [; )] but I've not yet found the time.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moving targets,

    If $450k is the price to allow (any) MP to trip the world fantastic after their “service to their country” one might then argue it is a small price to pay for this standing in the World.

    Why? Everyone else is expected to remain uncorrupt for free.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Up Front: That's Inappropriate!,

    If I had any money going spare, I’d be mincing off to the Rocky Horror in full Frank-drag.

    Honestly, Craig! You've just had two tax cuts. What more do you want?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

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