Posts by Simon Grigg
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Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to
Ian Dalziel is okay!
Really good news, thank you.
Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to
There was one image in particular, having to do with a car, that was just incredibly upsetting - not sure if it was on TVOne or 3 though
3 I think
Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to
TV3s coverage yesterday was all we had up here and it was (trying to think of a word as wonderful seems wrong) up to a point and then seemed to go into some sort of loop.
ABC switched to TVNZ around 4 our time - 10 yours.
At one stage yesterday I could get TVNZ direct and watched that.
However, TVNZ seems to have gone back into geoblocking mode again today so I went back to ABC.
No more.
RNZ on the other hand has been nothing short of brilliant.
Indeed, and the feed has been running through our house for much of the last day, but sometimes you just need to see.
ABC's theory - the surmise was based on economics but I really don't think we need to give it air here.
Rather bizarre and quite offensive theorising on both the RWC and, worse, the brain drain to Australia (educated New Zealanders will leave the nation in droves after this) on the ABC at the moment.
Really don't need this anymore.
Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to
Joe Wylie has popped up in the comments there - yay!
That's wonderful news. Joe may well know about Ian, I hope
Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to
TV3 just said
It's worth saying though that TV3 for those of us offshore, has been phenomenal in all this. Every New Zealander I know beyond living beyond the nation's shores has been sitting glued to one of their various international feeds for hours, mostly ABC.
Thank you - it gives us a link that tempers a little the helplessness and distance we feel from this horror right now at home.
Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to
Would have shown "good delegation skills" but hey...
I'm mostly just finding it hard to deal with the idea that people will clearly be pulled away from hugely essential work while this visit happens.
As they will.
Of course if he stayed in Wellington and sent someone else, you’d be complaining too.
Actually - no. 24-48 hours later may have been more appropriate that's all.
Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to
If you had just seen the fly by on TV3, maybe whether the Prime Minister was there or not would be put in it’s proper perspective.
The TV3 feed is playing live here. That's what the world is watching, via ABC. I'm as traumatised by the human side as anyone which I guess is why I commented. I'd like to see the human side attended to with priority.
Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to
I thought those 'what the fuck are you doing here' looks last time and people clearly and visibly unable to get on with the job because of the crews last time, spoke volumes.
Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to
TV crews and getting in the way was what Key did last time - I hope it's not so this time around.
A leadership role - like Bligh's - would be valuable but I'm doubtful he could find it in himself to walk away from the temptation of the those network news bites.