Posts by Paul Litterick

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  • Hard News: And meanwhile ...,

    So they are talking about tits on an owl I take it?


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: And meanwhile ...,

    Prebble was on NatRad on Election Night. The joy he took in Judith's defeat was palpable.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Island Life: Let's be Frank,

    Green voters apparently drink almost twice as much coffee as the rest of the population.

    All the Greens I know drink ghastly flower infusions which, laughably, they call 'tea.'

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: And meanwhile ...,

    <sings>And no one's getting fat except Mama Cass.</sings>

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: And meanwhile ...,

    Is she just a convenient target?

    She is a woman, she is outspoken and she is an old friend of Helen Clark. The tory boys can't deal with women at the best of times, but one with a savage wit really gets up their noses. Besides, she was a proxy target for the PM.

    I worked for Judith. As a Minister, she had an immense workload in demanding potfolios. Minsisters do not get to spend as much time in their electorates as backbenchers. But being out of Cabinet, Judith didn't get the profile from which Ministers usually benefit and which compensates for absence.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Island Life: What I saw at the product launch,

    There was a coffee shop on Crummer Road, called Spoonful of Sugar, which was child-friendly - it had lots of space for pushchairs and some play spaces. Yet it was painted black. Its was particularly joyless. At least it wasn't grey.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Congratulations, Mr Key,

    The future under National will be like those Sky City advertisements, where everybody wins on the pokies and the tables, where everybody is happy and everybody is white.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Congratulations, Mr Key,

    National's disability policy is scary: get the crippled kids out of the schools and put them away somewhere.On NatRad, One in Five ran a fascinating interview with Anne Tolley, in which she claimed that severely autistic children needed to be somewhere quiet. It is for their own good, you see.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Island Life: What I saw at the product launch,

    The Labour Party in Auckland Central ran a stupid campaign but not a lazy one. Judith had to do the work of a Government Minister for much of the time. Unfortunately, Nikki Kaye and her team had the resources to take months off work and campaign. Money talks.

    I don't think Kaye had a job to take time off. She seemed to be a company director back in the Old Country, but there is no evidence of any economic activity in New Zealand. Lately, she has been described by the media as a lawyer, although she has yet to complete her degree. She is a woman of many of parts, none of which quite fit together.

    She is much the same politically. She promotes herself as a green tory, but I doubt her greenery would go much beyond swimming with the dolphins. Proposing marine reserves is exactly the kind of vapid comment I would expect from her. During public meetings it became quite clear that she knew nothing about politics. She's a moppet.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Southerly: Sir Roger Tipped As New…,

    Guys, we need to think outside the cage here. Yes, that's it! Let the animals loose, so they can live in the community. Then we all become strategic stakeholders in the zoo enterprise. New Zealand will become one big zoo, filled with exotic animals, not all of which are deadly.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

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