Posts by Alfie

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  • Hard News: About Chris Brown,

    Chris Brown has lost his appeal and been been banned from Australia. As NZ automatically excludes those banned from another country, it looks like he won't be landing on our shores any time soon.

    It would have been preferable if NZ had stood up to the plate, rather than sitting on our hands and waiting to see what the aussies would do.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Police Ten 7 State,

    The government are doing their best to avoid any association with this mess. You'd expect the Justice and Police ministers to make statements, but Amy Adams won't comment while Michael (it's an "operational" issue) Woodhouse has also gone to ground. It's been left up to the Minister in charge of tidying up government ballsups to assure the public that there's nothing to see here... nothing at all.

    Mr Joyce, who is also innovation minister, endorsed the role of academics, saying their legal responsibility role in the Education Act as "critic and conscience of society" would be unchanged in the current and future reviews of the legislation.

    Mr Joyce said each agency would have a policy around access to sensitive information "but as Science and Innovation Minister and Tertiary Education Minister I'd encourage them to be as open with their data as is reasonably possible".

    As usual, Bryce Edwards provides an excellent summary of who has said what, so far.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Polity: A hazy, intriguing crystal ball,

    iPredict is no more.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to izogi,

    It’d be a shame if there wasn’t much of a public record of these weirdisms if and when he does.

    I felt that way about Tuku Morgan back in 1997, so I did something about it to make sure there was a permanent record of his antics.

    In my defense, the page was formatted for the huge 640x480 monitors we all used back then, and being able to make your own animated gifs was still pretty cool. ;-)

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Police Ten 7 State, in reply to nzlemming,

    Call me a grammar nazi, but I find the use of “Police” as a singular noun in this release disturbing.

    Ditto. While Police can be a collective noun, expressions like "Police has" just sounds silly, as nobody speaks that way in the real world.

    Today's ODT has the perfect example of the type of information the Police compile on licensed premises. A bar is appealing its one-way door policy; police are opposed. (My bold)

    Police alcohol harm reduction officer Sergeant Ian Paulin said police were appealing the application on the basis that Mac's is No2 on the police top 10 alcohol-related offences data list for bars in the Otago coastal area.

    As this appears to be exactly the type of data Jarrod Gilbert was requesting, you'd expect that it would be a simple matter for Police (sic) to fulfil his request in a few minutes with minimal effort.

    So why are they acting like dicks?

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    Sorry if this is slightly off-topic but I can't find a more appropriate thread.

    Colin Craig has hit Cam Slater with a "breach of copyright" notice for displaying his love poem to Rachel. In case anyone needs a refresher, here's the prose in question.

    Two of Me

    There is only one of me it's true
    But I wish this were not the case
    Because I wish that I could have you.

    If instead one man, I was two
    That would be one for all the others
    And one of me, for you

    I wonder if Craig's initial denials that he'd written the work would play against him in any lawsuit? In any event, Colin has now well and truly taken ownership of the piece and is demanding a retraction, a written apology and a fee of $3000 per month from the oily one for displaying his work in public.

    Good luck with that one Colin.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Campbell Live,

    Simon Wilson's feature interview with John Campbell is online -- from November's Metro Magazine.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Police Ten 7 State, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    I have had friends that have joined and left the force for various reasons...

    Me too. I know two people who were serving police officers and left the force for different reasons, mainly to do with the culture. There's probably a decent research project in this, finding out why people choose to leave the force in the prime of their careers. Oh wait... Mr Plod would never allow that sort of information to be published, would he.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Police Ten 7 State,

    While you might expect such heavy-handed Police tactics in less-democractic territories such as Fiji, there is no place for this nonsense in NZ.

    Stuff is running this story as their national news lead entitled Police 'censor' researcher. That report includes this line.

    Police had contacted Gilbert to say “that further consideration will be given to our decision regarding the security clearance (police vetting) check”.

    The beginning of a backdown? Hopefully.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: A cog in the Mediaworks machine,

    Despite TV3's current race to obscurity, MediaWorks' chairman Rod McGeoch is standing behind Weldon.

    I also want to state to you all very clearly that Mark has the owner and board's full commitment and full support to lead the business through this period of change, and well beyond. While we had no intention of making a public announcement on this, it is, in this context, important to note that Mark has agreed with the Board and the Owner for a meaningful contact extension, which was recently signed.

    Contact extension? What's that? Extra long arms perhaps.

    Or did he perhaps mean contract?

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

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