Posts by Stephen Judd
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Hard News: The Wall and the Paper, in reply to
Wasn’t Haden just a grumpy old man but, rather than being some sort of principled constructive commentator?
IIRC Haden had a soft spot for solo mums for a start.
Edit: I googled. I found a lovely tribute to Haden from PAS’ own Deborah noting on his recent demise that Haden’s principled belief as a social conservative in the desireability of mothers caring for children at home lead him to be a supporter of the DPB. Viz “I thank God for the DPB…all that matters is that the DPB enables thousands of children to have their mothers…the special care for which there is no substitute.”
Further edit: at the risk of dragging this post entirely off-topic, look what I found.
Contrast Laws with, say, Karl du Fresne, or the late Frank Haden. They generally have a predictable point of view, but a principled one, which occasionally means interesting surprises. And importantly, I don’t believe either one ever wrote a column with the deliberate purpose of pissing off a chunk of readers as their primary aim, whereas I can’t help but think that Laws picks his positions for maximum outrage first and good sense by any set of principles a distant second.
Hard News: An excellent evening in Newtown, in reply to
if it’s fun with meat you want, Stephen Judd is your man.
I really… goodness.
It would be churlish to dispute this ambiguous encomium.
Really? I’ve always liked how they go crispy-crunch…
Hard News: An excellent evening in Newtown, in reply to
I vote for the Kiwi As range of potato chips
Hard News: An excellent evening in Newtown, in reply to
the lack of food seemed to encourage alcohol-based disinhibition from several of the participants.
Dr Elder, as a philosopher, do you think a new programme of research is warranted?
Ladies and Gentlemen a plate?
Damnit Jim, if I can’t rationalise the yuk factor the fat man will die!
If you want to drink together and talk philosophy, what you want is a SYMPOSIUM.