Posts by Sam F
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Momentary crossed wires in brain between lewd and lurid, perhaps?
These things can happen to anyone in extremis. I remember one of our teachers in (perhaps) Year 12 completely losing her rag at misbehaving students in assembly, and berating the miscreants in question as a "bunch of grunts".
Well, she would have said that, but angry vocal cords somehow mangled "grunts" into "gunts". Sound it out and you can imagine how this might have been misunderstood from a distance in a crowded echoey hall. Took a couple of weeks to sort out the misunderstanding...
That it will. Please, no edit button. It will indeed Rob us of humility.
I've called for an edit button before but I think I'm with Steven on this. If nothing else I think the need to get it right first time contributes to more thoughtful PAS posting - after you're done with Preview and hit the Post button whatever you wrote is out there in all its typoed glory.
Plus it helps enrmously with getting your spelling straight. At least I've found it to be so.
I'll probably start another one once we know a bit more about what National plans to do with the Copyright Act.
Or this, and we can just let the old thread die a well-earned natural death.
Yeah, perhaps. There was actually a lot of interesting discussion going on in there which never really cut through the bad behaviour by various individuals (including myself at times).
But not a Green to be seen.....
We did have a Green supporter come round to leaflet us and have a chat - although it was abbreviated since we were just getting into our car to leave the house. She probably appreciated being able to stop under the carport during the downpour - immaculately dressed but didn't have a rainjacket, unlike the 20+ National supporters waving signs on New North & St Lukes Roads intersection in the midst of the same deluge.
Actually, I think it'd actually be nice to see the current thread continue on and get somewhere worthwhile, with the previous 107 pages left as an example of the Bad Old Days.
Oh, I see what you did there.
Please tell me you mean my second post and not my first!
Although I guarantee that the first thing robbery will do if his account is re-enabled is to come here and kick this off again.