Posts by Angus Robertson

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  • Hard News: The newest neocon catastrophe,

    ...the Georgian government opted to start a war with an unannounced, unprovoked attack on a peacekeeping force.

    The fact that the weaker state is also the aggressor does not change the fact that it is the weaker state. If you want to prevent a war supply defensive firepower to the weaker state and state alliances. If you want to encourage a war condemn the weaker state and make clear to the stronger that you will not intervene.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: The newest neocon catastrophe,

    Here's another McCain foreign policy adviser, Max Boot, urging that the US start directly arming Georgia with new Stinger missiles so that, presumably, it can fulfill its destiny as the American proxy on Russia's border.

    The Stinger is anti-air, it is a defensive weapon system with short range. It is used to defend groundforces against over-flying aircraft, who are trying to bomb them. It is good news for insurgent forces and therefore helps reduce any air-superiority an occupier may have. It is a good idea to put these in the hands of the Georgians to reduce the viability of any Russian occupation.

    These people are nuts. And this has the same whiff as the Iraq project. Same Weekly Standard freakshow, same willingness to spill the blood of others in pursuit of dubious ideological goals.

    Arming the weak state of Georgia to prevent its invasion and forcible regime change by Russia "has the same whiff as" America invading a weak Iraqi state and forcing regime change? The completely opposing nature the events seem more compelling somehow.

    I honestly don't think you can separate this crowd from what is happening there, and from Saakashvili's disastrous decision to start flattening buildings in his troublesome province. It backfired -- but these peole's adventures usually do.

    Your evidence so far is that a Republican who worked for the Bush administration on a sub-committee to Wolfowitz, lobbied for Georgia and now works for the McCain campaign. And another Republican has offered a Republican perspective in his capacity as a Republican adviser to the McCain campaign.

    MPerhaps these Republicans were hired by the McCain campaign because they are Republicans (now obviously in some circles this is proof positive of evil intent, but bear with me). The Republicans are offering a Republican perspective on a conflict occuring on the other side of the world in time with it occuring. There is scant evidence of an orchestrated response and McCain appears to have been as surprised as anyone by events - the Republicans did not know this was going to happen. The fact that McCain has supported Georgia is perhaps due to bad advice from Scheunemann in the few moments between learning of the war and the first call with CNN, because it looks like the Georgians were the aggressors and to back them seems a misstep.

    Conclusion - The war was started because of events outside of the Capitol Beltway into which we (and the two Presidential campaigns) have very little understanding. The talk of conspiracies in Washington reflects our relative knowledge of Washington compared to our nearly complete ignorance of the Causcasus.

    For more insight into Central Asian politics suggest a visit Registan which is a long running blog on central asia run with a critical eye on the GWOT.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: The newest neocon catastrophe,

    That might just say nothing more than "if it don't bleed, it don't lead".

    Or it can bleed, but not be close enough to secure air-conditioned hotel rooms or feature properly photogenic victims.

    In the last decade 5.4 million have died of preventable (by African standards) ailments as a result of the Second Congo Civil War. Before that millions were killed in the mid-1990s during the First Congo Civil War.

    During the 80s and 90 the Civil War in Southern Sudan and spilling across into Northern Uganda killed a couple of million. A ceasefire was reached in 2005 and the essentially losing forces of the Khartoum government became involved in Civil War in Western Sudan (Darfur) spreading into Chad.

    The Karen and Shan populace ruled by the ethnic Burmese junta continue to be persecuted. North Koreans are regularly subjected to easily avoidable famine.

    In other news the horriffic suffering of the Palestinian people continues. And savor baked grouper with seasoned Mediterranean vegetables is served daily at the King Solomon restruant, Tel Aviv Hilton - one minute from the beach, stunning views from all 17 storeys.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: The newest neocon catastrophe,

    Although I think a genuine neoconservative has to really believe it's for foreigners' own good, not just cynically claim it.

    Yes, hence partly the problem why it is difficult to credit neoconservatism as a driving force within the Republican Party. Most people are hard put to ascribe "genuine belief" and "a lack of cynicism" as core features of the GoP.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: The newest neocon catastrophe,

    The French Empire had much the same set of rationales,

    As did the Soviets spreading the joys of communism.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Did you see that?,

    Also just as a side note: Freestyle means you can swim that race (or leg) in any style you want. It's just that the front crawl is the fastest, so everyone uses that.

    Not necessarily. The rule is that freestylers must surface within 15 m of starting a lap and swim with part of their body above the water. Guess because it makes better TV to have the swimmers visible even if it is possible to stay submerged and go faster.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Hard News: The newest neocon catastrophe,

    The whole thing has necon teh stoopid written all over it.

    The following is an brief description of a "Neocon plot" that is the fault of John McCain according to the "unbiased" analysis of the Belgravia Dispatch:

    Georgians and Ossetians are two neighbouring tribes in the Caucacus Mountains. The Georgians were there first, the Ossetians were driven there by the Mongols.

    Ossetia is the area inhabited by a Farsi speaking tribe. It was conquored by Russia at the end of the 18th century and was administered by the Tsars as a subject land. In 1936 its admistration was divided North & South between the Russian and Georgian Soviets. The Georgian Soviet ran their administration with mostly Georgians in South Ossetia. The Ossetians harboured some resentment for this Georgian dominance and aligned themselves more with Moscow.

    Georgia was also siezed by the Tsarists in late 18th and administered seperately. It briefly gained independence after the Soviet revolution, before being invaded by the Red Army 4 years later. Due to its resistance agianst the Soviets successive purges were carried out by the Russians against the Georgians - with partial assistance of local Ossetian tribes.

    During perestroika South Ossetia requested a redefining of South Ossetia into amalgamation with North Ossetia but were refused and 2 years later the Soviet Union fell apart with all Soviets gaining independence. Georgia Soviet included South Ossetia, Russia Soviet included North Ossetia. There has been a quasi active civil war occuring in every year since.

    As such it the analysis of the Belgravia Dispatch that the war is an isolated incidence entirely generated for the benefit of the Republican candidate John McCain by neoconservative conspritators?

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Did you see that?,

    Finally, I don’t want to offend anyone in just my second post, but, badminton may just be the most boring sport to be played at high speed.


    Watched John Moody get totally crushed by Chen Jin last night. John Moody is the best NZer with good reflexes, very fit, fast and powerful; but the accuracy, power and deception of Chen Jin is exceptional. Chen Jin hit sideline to back corner to creasing across the net all whilst under pressure from Moody. It was scary, impressive, freakish and he was probably not playing to his best.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Island Life: A boycott would do nothing,

    Then in one explosive burst, your legs root, your waist turns, your ribs expand and your arm extends through the target.

    Your legs shouldn't be static, rather accelerating weight from centred to the front leg whilst lifting the back heel.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

  • Island Life: And later on, a bit of a…,

    Shadia Drury paraphrases the "universal truth" that all politicians lie to become all Straussian politicians lie.

    Auckland • Since May 2007 • 984 posts Report

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