Posts by Judi Lapsley Miller
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Emma said
When they speak, they want to feel they have something worth saying, and they want to make sure it's exactly right.
(a semi-lurking PA devotee chick) -
Definitely a mouse with those ears!
Ben said:
I'm an exporter myself, and years ago made what is in retrospect a very wise, if novel decision. I pegged my charges to the *NZ* dollar. Why noone else ever thought of such a thing I don't know.
Nice if you can do it - my main US client works from a very fixed budget so would not cope at all well if the amount I billed each month was not fixed too. But the flip side is that if you're in the game long enough, eventually the dollar drops and you get a nice pay rise. I felt physical pain banking some USD checks this week.
Thanks for the update David - we've been wondering (worrying) about how you've all been getting on. Sorry to hear it's involved more hospitals, but hope that's all behind you guys now and you can get on with enjoying your wee one.
Emma said:
Oh sure, trash MY credibility instead. Those were very specific Heinlein novels I recommended, not Heinlein in general.
If its any consolation Emma, my opinion of David went up highly when I saw his Heinlein collection...
I'm not sure what that says about any of us... but it can't be good...
Most excellent! I look forward to your results. Are your randomly assigning experimental conditions, or using latin squares? And which marker crops will you choose?
Howdy David - thanks for another fascinating report. Are you planning to experiment yourself with incorporating charcoal into your glorious vege garden? Do you have any advice for adapting this technique for use in home gardens? When I was a kid I used to put a lump of charcoal in the bottom of my flower pots, but haven't done so for years. I have no idea why I did that - must have read something somewhere...
Enjoyed your latest broadcast - I was reading about the NZ research just the other day and was wondering where to buy shares ;-)
A further benefit that I don't think got mentioned is that these cells can be put on all sorts of surfaces - possibly even fabrics. Of course the devils are always in the details when it comes to moving basic research into commercial production (I know only too well - most of my research is in that interface), but hopefully they will have some luck and good support.Cheers,
I readily admit to watching the last two seasons of DWTS, but when I heard both Laws and the gnome were to be on this season, my stomach turned. I can't bring myself to tune in until I've heard that both have been eliminated - but I'm sure it will be contrived so that the final pratfall will be right at the end!
As a fellow self-employed writer/researcher I too can attest to workplace injuries involving sharp knives - but who knew that the top of knife blades were also sharp! And to make matters worse, there are two sharp edges on top, not just one... makes quite a pretty parallel scar though...
And they really should make touch-pads that work through band-aids!
P.S. On a serious note, do check out the ACC website - as a self-employed accident-prone writer, you may be well advised to take out personal injury cover so that you're more suitably compensated when the inevitable strikes.