Posts by goforit

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  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to BenWilson,

    Why make a fuss of the process if he has drawn out the process, or maybe he was given bad information on the processes involved in the first place, sort of the blind leading the blind. Now back to the problem of what Uber driver's think of there own noncompliant organisation dishing out kangaroo justice to there drivers who should not be working for a unlicensed taxi service in the first place. How can you ask for justice from the NZ Justice Department through the court system when the whole Uber organisation including the drivers don't even comply to the laws of this country.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    I see another prospective driver from your group as well as the one trying to get sasifaction from the Dispute Tribunal is telling the world his woes through Scoop NZ. The fact it has taken over 6 months to be approved from the NZTA just indicates he must have experienced problems with his application and hopefully now are sorted.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to Elpie,

    You don't have to be a dick at all

    This is another con set up by Uber, Uber has given the impression it is disabled person friendly by offering uberASSIST this of course gives the impression it is set up in the area of disable transport. Taxi operators who operated under the banner of offering disable transport must have wheelchair accessible vehicles within there fleets. Uber only carries disable persons up to a certain level of disability so uberASSIST is misleading, Anyway with careful handling most wheel chairs will fit into a standard car without damage to the car.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    Hi Ben, very interesting reading. its amazing how some people just twists things around to suit them selves, its very easy to use some regulations and reject the ones that don't suit.
    When you open up this conversation you descibe Uber and drivers as a taxi service, keep the facts correct Uber and its drivers operated an unlicensed taxi service and as such should not even be there in the first place, if it was licensed as an ATO under the law things would be very different, even internal rules of an ATO need to be approved by the licensing authority.
    You agreed to the way Uber treats you when you signed up and I understand where you come from when the reality of what you signed up to hits home, you do have the choice of no longer working for them and if you wants to be a taxi driver just follow the regulations as I am sure any ATO would accept you.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to goforit,

    Are you sure you are puting this in front of the correct court, A Judicial Review of Uber's terms and conditions I would have thought would have been the first step, maybe you already have. Also you are drawing a long bow stating Uber drivers are entitled to a livable income when in fact no Uber drivers are entitled to any income at all in this counrty as Uber and its drivers are operating an unlicensed Taxi Service.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    Hi Ben, I see you are mentioned in dispatches. good luck.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    If one read between the lines I think the hidden message Uber is giving is, Business as usual when the bill in front of Parliament is made law.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    The concept of car pooling is good if it works and stays within the regulations, but when reading Ubers intentions around this it only a way of using there non compliant drivers and as we know they are already using non compilant drivers in the commerical sector.
    Uber says there drivers only work 10 hours or under which backs up there pooling scheme but the truth is at 75% of them work full time,. Do I need to say the rest?

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    There is no time and base fee factor.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to BenWilson,

    I’d guess similar economics are part of why carpooling doesn’t already trump buses. But we’ll see.

    Under the new regs the maxium you can earn under this pooling thing with one pax on board will only be 36 cents per Km

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

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