Posts by Geoff Lealand
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So, the Chiefs have won again. We have our tickets for the Hurricanes game next Saturday.
What is needed is Drive By Truckers to write a song about Levon, to compare with their beautiful 'Richard Manuel' song.
Far be it for me to gloat but just look at the way the Chiefs are playing the game. Their number 1 prop Sona Taumalolo is top try scorer (6 ) and the backs are playing with style and grace.
Hard News: Belief Media, in reply to
The problem with religious instruction/observance in many schools in New Zealand is that if you don't want your child to take part, you have to notify the school with an 'opt out' instruction. I don't think this is the right approach, for it should be an 'opt in' choice.
Nary a whiff of Photoshop or any other manipulation with these shots. Just a moment of raising the blinds to the deck to early morning sunshine and a brilliant moon hanging in the sky and a balloon floating northwards,
I never quite understand the visibility of the moon during daylight hours. Is the waxing moon or angle of the earth? Whatever it is, it is magical,
Good Media 7. The editor of the Challenge Weekly had a line in platitudes and Randerson could have been taken to task for his wholesale dismissal of Dawkins, but an interesting discussion.
Responded to the SST poll this week (it fills in an idle moment) about belief in god. My problem with the question was 'which god?' for there seems to be a myriad of them. Scuentologists, for example. They claim the status of religion (and receive tax exemption). What is their concept of 'god'?
Hard News: Belief Media, in reply to
Oh, good. Time to start planning the party?