Posts by BenWilson

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  • Hard News:,

    My point is that because sexual activity and reproduction are linked within Catholic doctrine, and because they have this Papal edict about Teh Condoms and Teh Pill, you can't just avoid the whole subject if you're married to a conservative Catholic woman.

    I must tell my wife she's not conservative. It will surprise her, about as much as....

    But Catholics *do* have to think that, because he's the freaking Pope!

    ...will. I think it's a mistake to think Catholics are uniform in mindset any more than any other kind of folk. Are you confusing the people with the Church?

    The whole point of the religion is that there's a man-of-god hierarchy

    That sounds like over-intellectualizing what is basically a tradition that tends to run in families, much like celebrating Christmas and All Black wins. Perhaps the Pope would like to think that's the whole point. Maybe even the entire priestly hierarchy would too, but that's still a tiny percentage of actual Catholics. Most of them are Catholics because it's access to a community and it's been drilled into them from a young age.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News:,

    It's the angst that does it.

    Must be. I am a bit worried about letting my boy see dozens of pictures of a starved naked man getting crucified, though. I preferred their art when it was just pictures of wholesome motherly women holding cute little babies in whatever lovely looking anachronistic town the artist came from.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News:,

    Ah, agnostics more offensive than true believers, I suppose.

    Yeah, people who get to go to Church and get a divorce, without having to believe in God or feel guilty. How sick is that?

    This is more than returned, at least if my family is anything to go by.

    Well it does suck that Catholics have got all the good art.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Island Life: Feeding the hens,

    It’s full of stuff that’s frankly not all that good anyway.

    What are you talking about, that wine review was excellent.

    You're spot on about Kiwiblog being the very best executive summary of the headlines you can browse for free. I totally trust DPF to say what the papers wished they could say, faster, and the commentators to say what DPF wished he could say, longer. Then there's the links to them saying what they wished they could have said on Kiwiblog if the owner wasn't so worried about libel. And finally, their pics of what they wished they could see more of. Kiwiblog is my friend.

    As for the cost of Googling, it's pretty green already. Cache means that instead of an atom getting smashed somewhere in the US, my searches merely facilitate a little trickle of water getting to where it wants to go anyway, the sea. But yes, if each search cost me $5, then instead of looking up where I was going, I'd just go there and drive around randomly until I found it. Which would definitely get me out of the house longer every day.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News:,

    What religion someone and their partner are is definitely of interest, and of public interest if they are a public figure. Of course it doesn't prove anything. My wife's Catholicism has had almost no influence on my opinions at all, and it's hardly like any of the suggestions above apply to her either - she's not against civil unions or abortion or contraception. She just believes in God, likes Christmas and Easter, and feels guilty a lot, usually about strangely petty matters. The only trouble I ever got from being an atheist/agnostic was from the Church itself when we were getting married - they insisted on a lot of marriage classes, which turned out to not be a complete waste of time after all. None of her family have ever made any issue out of it, and many of them are highly devout. From what I can tell, it's Anglicans they're bitter on, not atheists.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Island Life: National Landslide, or…,

    Yup, as far as eccentricities go, that's one of the good ones. Personally I just drive slowly. Except when the coast is clear.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: The drugs don't (always) work,

    I'm sure that I've had mixed herbs instead of the real thing before simply because there was no effect. So unfair. There's a real downside to critical thought.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Island Life: National Landslide, or…,

    Hang on Ben, a lot more people use cars everyday. What are the relative injury rates ?

    Dunno. Do you? But what difference does it make? If you spend more time in the car then that just means you're more likely to smash your head one day doing that, than you ever will be riding a bike, especially if, like most people, you never ride a bike anyway.

    And, no, I don't wear a helmet in a car, but always when on a bike.

    How about before it was not compulsory? Be honest now. When you saw a Stackhat, did you think "Hey that looks cool and fun, I must rush to the store to get one of those".

    I once met an A&E surgeon who wore a helmet in his car and refused to travel by car at certain times of the day on certain days. Mainly after 10.00pm Thursday through Saturday as I recall.

    I thought it was not legal to wear a helmet when driving a car, except on a racetrack. Anyone know?

    But hey, good on him for being extra cautious. Sounds damned inconvenient to me, especially for a shift working surgeon. Did he wear his helmet on the bus during those late nights when he wouldn't drive?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Island Life: National Landslide, or…,

    I saw a car collide with another and burst into flames, and the occupant burned to death. But I don't wear a fireproof suit when I drive.

    I think children should wear helmets (also seen a kid almost killed too), and for that reason, I'll be wearing one when my son is old enough to know what a bicycle is. But I will also be riding less - it just won't be the pleasure it was. I'm just being honest. You can't tell me it's the same because it simply is not.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: The drugs don't (always) work,

    Ben, they don't give it to sceptics. Horrible side-effects. Can make you vote NZ First.

    Damn, I blame my family. Skepticism runs in families too.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

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