Posts by Toxic
Rob Mayes/Failsafe tried to get permission to release The Stones stuff pre-Warner buyout, but the idea was scuttled at the 11th hour by FMR. Not that they had any plans to (re)-release it of course...
He does have some good live stuff that may emerge at some stage though. -
There're a few things come to mind.
The 3Ds doing a two night stint at The Empire in 1993. The Friday show was a blistering set; so blistering in fact that David Mitchell's aged and troublesome Orange amp burst into flames. Nonchalent as you like, the weird-haired one casually doused the blaze with his pint of (what else?) Black Mac. Perfect. Buggered if I know what he used for an amp the following night.
Or did I tell you about the time I was to interview those Losers Heazlewood, O'Reilly and Strickland for Critic in Dunedin? They took one look at me and wrote me off as some wannabe student tosser type - tattoo, long shorts etc. Which resulted in a gruelling, unpleasant 20 minute duel. The only high point of that for me was when I asked which guitarists they liked - apparently an offensive question. After a few sarcastic suggestions - Yngwie Malmsteen - they turned the question back on me. John McLaughlin, I replied. With more incredulity than I've experienced anyone muster before or since, Loser O'Reilly intones, "YOU like John McLaughlin???"
I printed the interview verbatim.
One more. BDO '94. Straitjacket's last show, not that we knew it then. I bump into some guy I know from Dunedin, and he asks me to look after his car keys as I have a bag. Sure. Then he charges off into the moshpit for, I think, the Smashing Pumpkins. I spend the majority of SJF's set trying to find the bastard, hence missing a chunk of what Shayne reckons is one of the best they ever did. Never did find him, but if I do I'll kill him.