Posts by Doris Parker

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    "Why do I post in a forum where most disagree with me? I can't think of anything more boring than an echo chamber. It is good to see other perspectives and have your views challenged. If that pisses some people off, then that is a shame; however I believe that it says more about them than about me. I saw at least one comment from someone who appreciated the back and forth from different sides of the issues; I am sure that there are others as well."

    "I stress that I do not want you to stop posting or leave - that's not what I'm saying at all. But if we're only 'right' if we discuss things related to our own direct experience, what's the point of any discussion at all? That way lies madness."

    A little copy and paste from your other threads, contents self- explanatory. We're happy to leave! Guess we know now who are the real republican neo-con fascists and hard core hypocrites! So long Russell Brown! Poof!

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    "The saturated fat part of palm oil is extracted from the palm kernel. This oil is not sold as edible oil but is used instead for production of cosmetics (such as lipsticks), soaps and other industrial uses.

    The edible oil is extracted from the mesocarp (the fruit pulp) which contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils which is heart healthy and trans fats free. It is this innate quality of palm oil that opens it to so much vicious and devious attacks!"

    Dear Russell Brown, Don't you think that you owe it to your readers to correct the "palm oil is saturated fat" part of your "Listener" article?

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    My dear Riddley, let me paraphrase John Ray (Ph.D.), from Brisbane: "Most Greenie causes are, at best red herrings..." and may I add, motivated by a love for funds and grants than anything else.

    I checked out the Center for Science in the Public Interest and it was interesting to note that CSPI has an annual revenue of $16.8 million. Its infamous Director, Michael Jacobson, who has the rare distinction of earning various unflattering epithets such as Food Terrorist, Food Nazi etc.from the media, draws $200,000 a year!

    The Friends of the Earth, USA is given a rather poor rating of 1 out of a possible 4 stars by the Charity Navigator. They too have an annual revenue of $3.9 million. But remember that this NGO has chapters in the UK, Scandinavia and elsewhere. Add their kitties together and the FOE's kitty would exceed CSPI.

    Do you now understand why these are the two NGO's that have been most active in attacking palm oil! Go to

    to illumine yourself.

    Poor palm oil is singled out by some unseen hand and that is why "The State of Fear" is so illuminating. Crichton argues most persuasively, that the grand scheme of these NGO's is to create a "climate of fear" surrounding global warming, so that the money'd keep rolling in!

    You'd hopefully now comprehend and see the forces that are arraigned against palm oil, and why we feel so passionate about this subject! Remember, the holy grail for these environmental NGO's, is not TRUTH but funding and grants! They'd sell their soul to the devil so long as the money keeps rolling in!

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    Oh Robyn. You're beginnin to sound like my 60year old grandy! You fool no one...not when you display such a consistently mean, spiteful and inexorably malevolent spirit! That's an E for effort, and you do not need Google to show you that!

    Chill out! Relax and have some fun! Your conduct doesn't reflect well of the Anzac national psyche!

    However, if perchance, I've misread your actions and intentions, please accept my profuse and humble apologies! Deep down, I think you're really a nice gal in disguise.

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    Cor blimey, Robyn! You can chew on my jandals for chrissy, I'm sure they'd taste great! My Chur Bays'd look great on you. Can we swap. I'm into Chur Bay swapping, although I'm sure our beloved Russell Brown would love to swap something else!!

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    Oh yes, Robyn, inherited it when my poor old man carked it! Want to join me and Robin's harem for a barbie? When I don't burn them, I can grill up a storm - bangers and chooks.

    Sure "State of Fear is fiction. But so was pre-9/11 book "Executive Orders" by Tom Clancy written in 1996 which describes the airliner plot by terrorists to fly the plane into the Capitol Dome, wiping out American leadership. Because so much of what these Environmental NGO's do is covert, you're never going to find out about these interesting schemes in peer-review journals.

    But hey, go to

    You'd find an article called "Palm Oil & Deforestation: Truth or Fiction?" Certainly food for thought!

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    Ear wax Riddley??? I hear through the grapevine that you're a prodigious producer of ear wax. If you'd care to donate some, I can prepare some sald dressing with your wonderful ear wax. I'm sure you'd love the taste!

    All that neg about palm oil. Obviously you haven't gone to the Palm Oil Truth Foundation. Go there and be enlightened as to the lies and myths that's been pepetrated about this oil.

    Guess what, I just caught "The Global Warming Swindle" aired by Channel 4. Seems that all this crap about global warming is just an insidious and devious scheme by Environmental NGO's to gain funding from suckers like you and ignoramus governments. Global warming according to the reputable scientists gathered, including the founder of Greenpeace (his conscience finally pricked him) is a natural phenomenon that occurs naturally and cyclically without any human intervention, throughout the eons.

    It's the solar cycles my dear Riddley, and no amount of human produced CO2 or hydrocarbons could make a dent in this cyclical eco event. Russell Brown, would you like to explore this issue for your Column. Read also "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton which explores the conspiracies and lengths to which Environmental NGO's would go to pick our pockets for their "cause".

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    Oh yes, exceedingly urgent! Preparing a harem for Robin,when he finds the time to come. No harem for Robin would be complete without palm oil. He uses palm oil for everything. Massage, hair oil, salad dressing. Heck, he even uses it for his bath! You should try it sometimes...all the perfumes of Arabia....

    Had to make multiple trips through that pesky tunnel, ferrying all those barrels of palm oil...seems sometimes to be a ride into the great unknown. But I do it for love.

    I think...I am in love
    Therefore I am.. in love ...with palm oil

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    I can swear that I'm beginnin' to see Russell Brown everywhere!

    Driving through that pesky Homer Tunnel, I could swear that I saw Rusell Brown standing in the distance!

    Can't get that RB outta my mind! I'm rubber-neckin' even when I drive through town... I can swear that's RB amongst the tourist throngs...standin' right there, just next to the Great Dane on a leash, pantin' and salivatin', like all Great Danes do! I tell meself, "Stop scrunchin', you're just infatuated..."

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    Oh, Robyn, you're turning me into a serial scruncher!

    Queenstown • Since Mar 2007 • 16 posts Report

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