Posts by Alec Morgan

  • Hard News: Cannabis: Who owns Say Nope…,

    Nice research RB, deserves sharing widely. Wonder if the Liquor Industry or Religious organisations contributed to the NO campaign, they have previously contributed resources, funds and engaged in behind the scenes lobbying.

    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

  • Hard News: Cannabis research: there’s a…,

    You are an undisputed champ on this subject Russell. How to convey such vital detail to potential Referendum voters (i.e. Newstalk ZB listeners) is important.

    “Make it Legal” are doing nice work with their multiple meme social media approach.

    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

  • Hard News: Together Alone,

    Great header…“Together Alone”…the Karekare Finn sound from the 90s played in my ears the second I scanned it.

    Good thinking Russell to put the foot down again–a little at least–with PA Hard News. An existential crisis second only to Climate Change seems a fitting occasion!

    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

  • Hard News: Rip It Up: A history of us, a…,

    What an unexpected pleasure and awesome achievement by all concerned. Back when “cut and paste”, “waxer”, and “lightbox”, all had rather different meanings!

    Rip It Up ‘preserved’ confirms all sorts of things if you were lucky enough to have been there at the time.

    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

  • Hard News: On benefit fraud,

    well conveyed Russell, the “Burn Shipley Burn!” 90s were not golden years for many,

    as the initial 80s wrecking ball Roger Douglas swung through the provinces in particular, morphed into the Richardson MOAB, and union busting Employment Contracts Act, this country’s once fairly benevolent Social Security system became more a sadistic punishment maze, and productivity and wages diverged as workers power lessened

    I like the US saying “if you make it to the top floor, don’t forget to send the elevator back down…” and hope it applies this election to 90s alumni voters that are doing better now

    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

  • Up Front: Cui bono?,

    well said Emma

    WINZ is darkly classic “Catch 22” material–staff are personally rewarded for denying what their “clients” seek rather than providing it!

    what was in earlier times Social Security is now a sadistic bureaucratic punishment maze, a family friend on late stage dialysis was called into a meeting (Henderson office) and told as he sat in his wheelchair with missing toes that he was a job seeker and needed a new medical certificate from a doctor of their choosing, the guy was in tears, he uses his one good hand every day with a rig knitting items for his church shop! One of his brothers on our advice (my partner has been a beneficiary advocate) was appointed advocate and nothing happens without his input now.

    I support a UBI of some form because stable widely available work is largely gone, precarious short term work its replacement, and certainly also to get rid of this blot on society–WINZ

    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

  • Legal Beagle: The flag referendum:…, in reply to Tom Semmens,

    where’s the “like” button when you need it…

    there has been so much dancing around on the flag referenda, too many took seriously what was was only poked in fun by the PM; uncoupled from the republican debate this has been an attempted textbook manufacturing consent exercise for a rebranding

    there is ample fear and loathing for the Union Jack, alongside some liking for it too, and one concern is that the British Imperialist colonisation will go down the memory hole in this post colonial era before Māori get justice, a million NZ born live offshore and new arrivals are largely unconcerned with indigenous struggles

    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

  • Hard News: Radio being made,

    Campbell back live on air–like the sun coming out–

    will usually just listen to “Checkpoint” but on launch watched it via ipad and airplay to appleTV and big screen, channel 50 did not work either for me yet, a few clunks but it looks like a winner, certain media tops and Nat HQ may not be impressed

    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

  • Hard News: Art with a job to do, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    apols, can’t refind the link I read Sat night for the winning flag, the email below is for communities to obtain a free set of the 5 which involved various guidelines

    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

  • Hard News: Art with a job to do, in reply to Konrad Kurta,


    Tokerau Beach • Since Nov 2006 • 124 posts

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