Posts by Pete Sime

  • Hard News: Public Address Word of the…,


    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Hard News: Public Address Word of the…,

    Assisted dying

    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Hard News: Public Address Word of the…,


    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Hard News: Lately in cannabis,

    Here’s an interesting look at the US system, one which the proposed legislation largely avoids.

    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Speaker: The economics of shit speech, in reply to Sacha,

    Yes. I see you’re in Auckland, so the details for you are at

    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Speaker: The economics of shit speech, in reply to Moz,

    They might grant free subscriptions to all libraries around the world, but it has to be implemented in a useful way.

    This is already being done, but it seems that libraries aren’t so great at promoting it. There’s a service a lot of libraries in NZ subscribe to called Press Reader, which offers digital access to electronic copies of newspapers and magazines. You can use it from home on your computer or download an app to your phone or tablet.

    It has all the metropolitan NZ newspapers – no NBR, though – on it, plus magazines like the Listener, North and South, Metro, House and Garden, Cuisine. You can read the Washington Post, The Guardian – over 3,000 English language titles, 124 from NZ.

    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Hard News: Public Address Word of the…,


    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Hard News: Labour’s RNZ+ plan: largely coherent, in reply to Russell Brown,

    What was missing from Labour’s high level screen industry policy was mention of growing the industry via interactive media like gaming, VR and AR. Maybe that falls under economic development instead.

    It should really be treated as screen content though, you’re right.

    They’ll set up a Centre of Digital Excellence in Dunedin. Funding a Chair of Computer Gaming at Otago University, and will do some work with startups including a funding pool.

    Don’t know if they’ve got anything else on the cards for the industry.

    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Hard News: That escalated quickly …, in reply to izogi,

    A quick question for Labour Party experts: Where’s the constitution clause that describes the adjusted leadership election process leading up to an election?

    Paragraph B12 on p.150 in the appendices to the rules in the 2016 constitution (PDF):

    Should a vacancy in the leadership occur in the 3 months prior to the announced date of a general election (where known) or in the absence of an announced date the statutory date (calculated according to the date on which the election is triggered or, in the case of a caucus vote, a meeting or speacial meeting is requested), a new Leader will be elected by Caucus majority vote. The new Leader will then be subject to confirmation within three months after the election, pursuant to the Party constitution (i.e. they would need to be endorsed by 60%+1 of the new Caucus, or a full leadership contest would be triggered).

    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Hard News: On benefit fraud,

    In the spirit of openness, I didn’t buy a new PC every year with my course-related costs student loan claim.

    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

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