Posts by glenn coster
Morning Report - can't do without it, especially in election year.
I really enjoy Kathryn Ryan's Nine to Noon. Yea okay, it can be a bit hit and miss but often it does deliver the goods. The feature interviews are usually always worth a listen to. Enjoy most of the regulars esp Denis Welch's Media, the overseas Correspondents and Politics from the Left/Right (lol with Kathryn Ryan's slip this morning in which she thanked "Laila Hootton" .. you could hear the audible gasp from Laila at that one).
The Panel used to be good but I'm fast becoming weary of it - too Auckland issue orientated; am sick of the tedious Auckland v Wellington discussions - as though anyone outside Auckland/Wellington care; thankfully Sarah Chatwin, psychologist and expert in stating-the-bleeding-obvious hasn't made any appearances for a while...