Posts by Rich Flavour
Feed: My Life in Curry, in reply to
September 12, 1994.
Feed: My Life in Curry, in reply to
From scratch is the only way... this is a great recipe, but you need to put in a bit of time and work!
Feed: My Life in Curry, in reply to
Curry Goat! The Jamaican staple. I have a great recipe if anyone finds any goat meat. Fun fact: it is the most widely eaten meat in the world, just not around these parts.
I just use them to find out who will and wont take it up the pooper.
Not quite a hgih rotate Mikey Havoc March '99 club banger...
By the way is there actually a genre title for fumbling about in the dark of your career and playing six year old anthems? I quite like 'Two Stumble'.
This is the first house tune to turn me on for a while;
" Fish Go Deep - The Cure and the Cause "
Trust me Damien. I know the way you bob...