Posts by Alastair Thompson

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  • Speaker: The Telecom XT Discussion,

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Telecom XT Discussion,

    My Nokia N95 does not work on Telecom - much to my disappointment.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Telecom XT Discussion,


    Readers asked nearly 132 questions. However there was a great deal of similarity between them - and probably 2 thirds were different versions of those three.

    We are compiling a summary of the questions to post shortly and when its posted will link it here.


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Telecom XT Discussion,

    So, on the assumption that Vodafone ain't going to unlock my iPhone for me, I'd need to jailbreak it to use it on XT with a Telecom SIM?

    My understanding is that Vodafone Iphones are not locked. That said may paralell imported ones may be - and unlocking is not trivial. Its a trap for the uninformed.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

  • Hard News: ffunnell Up!,


    The number is the number.

    And Ii there is an error in the methodology it will not be by an order of magnitude. Via Google Analytics Scoop's audience alone is close to 500k as is Geekzones. The fact that the combined audience of the network is close to 1.3 million is not at all surprising in light of that fact.

    As explained they are not all NZers. Geekzone has a big US audience as does Scoop.

    However the NNR audited NZ audience size on a monthly basis is still larger than all newspaper circulation figures except the Herald and the Sundays. That may be surprising but it is also true.


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

  • Hard News: ffunnell Up!,


    You are correct it is Friday night and late. Gnight.


    I am pleased you are flattered :) Albeit not in love with the idea of being lumped in with the Kiwiblog audience. Interestingly there are a lot of demographic similarities between the two. DFs audience is slightly older.

    And as for cross readership. Lots of people do read PA and Kiwiblog. Unfortunately a gremlin in the NNR system prevents me from giving you an exact number right now but when everything settles down in statistics land we can give you an exact number.

    And no people don't read ffunnell as such... which I think is the point RB was responding to. But nor do they read Mediaworks.

    And its Gnight from me too.


    P.S. a correction - on a daily reader basis ffunnell on 42k is level pegging with vodafone and 5k ahead of on 37k. We are 30% behind Mediaworks as a group which is doing 60k (above I said we were level pegging with Mediaworks - I was confused Google Analytics has us on 60k visitors a day).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

  • Hard News: ffunnell Up!,

    Go the chiefs!

    & the Crusaders

    As for the hurricanes, ouch.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

  • Hard News: ffunnell Up!,

    Go the hurricanes!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

  • Hard News: ffunnell Up!,


    As of tonight (three weeks into the month) In ranking terms by total audience according to NNR ffunnell enters the horse race among publishers at number 10 in terms of UBs - just behind TVNZ and MediaWorks on 986k and 808k UBs respectively.

    On an average daily UBs basis ffunnell is level pegging with MediaWorks (TV3+3News+Radiolive etc) on 60,000 daily UBs.

    Which I suspect some of you may agree is not bad for a "bunch of blogs".

    And before someone else points this out - the above numbers are all total audience size not domestic audience.

    ffunnell has a substantial number of readers overseas - but not a majority. More than half of our traffic comes from NZ.

    According to Google of 1.9 million visits to ffunell websites in the last month. 1 million, or 50% of these were from NZ. These visits averaged 2.62 pages (2.6 million monthly pages) with a healthy 3.5 minute session duration.

    And finally - since this has become the ffunnell statistics reveal - I would note that according to Neilsen's demographic survey ffuinnell's readers are kinda attractive in advertising terms. In addition to being more internet savvy, wealthier and more likely to buy stuff they are also more likely to post to blogs, have their own blogs and be engaged with social media.

    Anyway so to at this point it would be fair to say that as far as ffunnell is concerned - it's all good.


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

  • Hard News: ffunnell Up!,


    Happy to fill you in with some facts regarding readership.

    The 1.3 million Unique Browsers figure is based on Google Analytics across the ffunnell network. It is de-duplicated i.e. users are only recorded once if they read Scoop, Public Address and Kiwiblog and the logs show that they do.

    The de-duplicated NNR numbers for the network are currently being recorded and will likely come in a little lower than Googles when the month ends.

    Forthe fiist three weeks of May we are sitting on 704,000 UBs and 2.4 million pages.

    The difference between Google and NNR is that NNR waits till pages are fully loaded (including all images) before it records a page as being read. Google records the page as read as soon as its tracking pixel is downloaded.

    Since we started recording network traffiic for ffunnell at the end of last year there has been substantial network wide growth and the Google page number is likely to break 4 million shortly.

    Extrapolating the 3 weeks of data we have so far indicates we are looking at 3.2 million NNR impressions in the first month recording.

    By way of comparison funnell has the same number of pages and nearly three times as many UBs as Flossie so far in May. Adhub - which takes in all the former Think Digital network properties plus the websites represented by Shane Bradley's Adhub - has 1.07 million UBs.

    In relation to the question of whether audited UBs overstate audience then the answer is that they probably to a little as lots of people have more than one computer. However as another poster pointed out the Radio Survey, People meters and Audited Reader Circulation figures used by other media forms have just as many and possibly more flaws.

    And yes it is remarkable that a small group of blogs can have an audience of 1.3 million (which is substantiallly larger than that of all NZ newspapers).

    However - and I think this is the point of ffunnell - this is not an ordinary set of blogs. ffiunnell is comprised of the leading innovators in online media - these are successful emerging media companies and they are working together to try to get a share of the growing online advertising pie which at present is dominated by overseas owned corporations. Specifically:

    - Google
    - APN
    - Fairfax (including Trademe)
    - Yahoo
    - MSN
    - Facebook

    in addition many of ffunnell's fellow travellers in the domestic market - in terms of Advertising networks - are also foreign owned.

    ffunnell is all about doing for ourselves things which we know that nobody is going to do for us. And we are delighted to be up and running.


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 220 posts Report

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