Posts by mark taslov

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  • Hard News: Deprived of speech, he sang…,

    Beautiful post Russell. Hands down my favorite. Good on you.
    + 'it didn't quite fit in the post' bonuses:)

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Field Theory: All White on the night,

    On the name thing - if we're to change the name of the All Whites purely because we're going to South Africa, shouldn't we in the interests of equality change the name of the All Blacks whenever they play in South Africa?

    Haha nice, Tim.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Field Theory: All White on the night,

    Let's not overlook either the Black Sticks efforts this weekend in qualifying for the Hockey World Cup. And they probably have more chance than the All Whites. It's just so great though to see the round ball codes do so well.


    How low is that hurdle?

    204 teams, twice as high as qualification for the RWC

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Field Theory: All White on the night,

    If somebody suggests Team New Zealand, I'm going to scream.

    Just thinking is on the right track and Keir hits the nail, "New Zealand" is good, this kind of thing works for all other teams except of course 'the yellow menace'... I mean Brazil. What's with renaming all the national teams?

    Let's face it - there are plenty of teams who would thrash the All Whites who are not going to be in South Africa.

    If you'd have called Radio Sport last night and said that, the host would have called you a loser for not savoring the moment Tom. As it stands, there's plenty of teams who would thrash New Zealand who are going to South Africa. Maybe you could write to FIFA and express your disappointment at NZ's over easy qualification and the flawed system.....or open another beer and watch the sunset....

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Field Theory: State of Disbelief,

    What a victory!

    Mark Paston: "o its fucking awesome" -Radio Sport.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Random Play: “And now my life has…,

    I seldom pay for music but I'm putting this on my Christmas list. The dude is a legend and one of my all time favorite artists. I can't help but smile at the candidness of the title.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Busytown: Less is more,

    or each word number of possible tenses

    Just 12 active tenses, 12 days of Christmas, 12 male disciples...;)

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Busytown: Less is more,

    To be fair, it's a lot easier to lift a melody unawares ('My Sweet Lord' from 'He's So Fine', for those who don't know) than it is to take whole sentences, tweak them and insert them into text. That's totally, uh, 'awares' on Ihimaera's part.

    You mean like this:

    In 1973, "Come Together" was the subject of a lawsuit brought against Lennon by Big Seven Music Corp. (owned by Morris Levy) who was the publisher of Chuck Berry's "You Can't Catch Me". This was because it sounded similar musically to Berry's original and shared some lyrics (Lennon sang "Here come ol' flattop, he come groovin' up slowly" and Berry's had sung"Here come a flattop, he was movin' up with me"). Before recording, Lennon and McCartney deliberately slowed the song down and added a heavy bass riff in order to make the song more original.[3] After settling out of court, Lennon promised to record three other songs owned by Levy.[4] "You Can't Catch Me" and "Ya Ya" were released on Lennon's 1975 album Rock 'n' Roll, but the third, "Angel Baby", remained unreleased until after Lennon's death. Levy again sued Lennon for breach of contract, and was eventually awarded $6,795.[5]

    The Beatles did a lot of intertextual stuff in this vein; 'Green Sleeves' and 'In the Mood' and 'God save the Queen' in "All you need is love", "King Lear" in "I am the Walrus", whatever in Revolution 9, and hiphop almost single-handedly changed the the industry and public's attitude. Most people would see this as nothing more than a money issue, leaving the richer artist the greater freedom to steal.

    Well, it seems to me the tiny problem with that is that English isn't moribund.

    So true, Although more standardized than Samuel Johnson's time, it's clearly a WIP. Your post also got me thinking about the freedom offered by an alphabet and the potential for nu werds.

    actually, that sentence doesn't even compute. I'm just not in the crucifixion business.

    Crucifixion as represented in 'The life of Brian', not that other guy. Stringing a guy up and letting him sing for a while..And yeah, still not the most appropriate metaphor, I just wanted to stretch the Christian thing...

    Theft is art?

    If you can afford the lawyers.

    For the rest of us; acknowledgments. Guess Witi may have figured he's now rich enough to let his lawyers finish the job. Such is art within the western framework. I'm pretty sure if any legal shit goes down with this book Witi owes you a beer Jolisa for the work you've done in identifying 'oversighted' passages, As well as giving the book a huge public profile.

    I find bizarro in the statement issued how Witi seems to believe he's going to get round all this by contacting the authors whose work he did not acknowledge to apologise for the oversight. Is that going to suffice?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Busytown: Less is more,

    So, he's the literary equivalent of a peeping Tom with a camera? Dude, I don't know if Witi is going to thank you for the help! :)

    After Jolisa's crucifixion of the poor thief I'm sure I could apply bandages or something. BTW Jolisa, I thoroughly enjoyed the
    "Less is more" post, it's a very comprehensive analysis.

    who can incorporate grammar and narrative sense into the event horizon calculation for literature.

    Yes I was wondering about that with your initial figure.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Busytown: Less is more,

    I feel Witi may have taken a photo but he stuck it in a book he would like to sell to me and as good as claimed the ox was his interlectual property

    It was his intellectual choice of what property to steal, and that is uniquely Witi. Like I think it was Keir on the other who thread mentioned not just any Brillo box but a Warhol Brillo box, I find something in that.

    Wasn't there something about coveting thy neighbour's oxen.. or was that wife?

    I wish I knew. I feel lucky to have got some replies and feedback on my thoughts on this issue. When I try to have a discussion along these lines with anyone here, it doesn't compute.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

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