Posts by Robyn Gallagher

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  • Random Play: The Cure -- for what ails you,

    The Cure were so so so good last night. I can't even properly compose a sentence to describe what a splendid time I had last night.

    Chur, Fat Bob. Chur.

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Meet your new overlords + media…,

    Whereas if Keith or I write something about a particular topic, people will have a fair idea where we're coming from, and choose to disregard it, take it with a grain of salt or give it credence.

    In a way, the same thing applies to the comments made here in PA System. Most people post under their real name, have a link to their website and/or email address, and there's the added information of their location and number of posts made.

    Contrast that with the Herald's reader feedback - it's just chunks of text from readers. All we know is their name or pseudonym and maybe a location. It's impossible to engage in any sort of dialogue in that situation or to give much weight to most comments.

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Meet your new overlords + media…,

    Small and Macgregor make the classic mistake of believing political blogging to be synonymous with blogging per se. It isn't.

    If you look at someone like me or Joanna, we've been writing stuff online/blogging for years without making any journalists fear for their jobs. I mean, if I write about something that happened to me on the bus yesterday, or if Joanna writes about a choice party she threw, I don't think many journalists are going to having crisis meetings figuring out how they can top that.

    If wonder if the whole "journalists vs political bloggers" thing has come about because political blogging is the one area where bloggers so often have it over journalists.

    And look at the times when an informative and engaging discussion here or at Kiwiblog is kicked off with a link to a news article to provide readers with some background before the discussion starts.

    Eventually I'm sure these confused journalists will get it, but until it's going to be a little frustrating.

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big Stereo Bundle,

    This clip from 24 Hour Party People, where Tony Wilson meets God, has taken on a new meaning.

    (Also note the deluge of comments made in the last 48 hours, including (of course, because it's YouTube) the obligatory "this sucks" remarks.)

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big Stereo Bundle,

    1985 news - so relaxed, in both pace and tone.

    But one thing was more formal then than it is now: all people mentioned in stories, whether verbally or in a name graphic, were given a title. So it's "Mr Ron Knox", whereas today it would just be "Ron Knox".

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big Stereo Bundle,

    But where's the cute puppy

    You'd never see a cute puppy story in the first few minutes of a news story today. They're usually stuck at the end along with the weather.

    What stuck out the most for me was that Tom Bradley was obviously not reading from an autocue - his eyes kept flicking between the camera and his script on the desk. It was oddly distracting, but I'm sure back then it seemed normal.

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big Stereo Bundle,

    Just before I left for work, I downloaded the Big Stereo Bundle, made a playlist in iTunes, loaded it on to my iPod, all ready for the walk from Mt Eden into the city.

    My verdict: it's rool choice! The first two tracks kick things off perfectly (and it was only yesterday that I was singing "If I gave u Th' Mic" in the shower, so perfect timing on that).

    I particularly liked Solephonic and Feelstyle's "What's your style", which tickled the early '90s hip-hop loving part of me. And the sly, sexy, bluesy Bannerman song was another favourite.

    By the time the epic closing song - "Couldn't Anymore" from The Reduction Agents came along, I was almost at work, but wanted to be sprawled out on the floor (any floor), drunk, wailing about some guy (any guy) who had broken my heart.

    So, yeah. A really good selection of songs.

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • Radiation: RIP Aurora,

    The problem is, how does one identify such a person before the commentary begins?

    They* say that they way a person eats can offer clues to how they are in bed**, so perhaps one way would be to have a meal with your special friend.

    "Tom's nibbling the gnocchi."
    "Tom's shoving a handful of cake in his mouth."

    * I'm too embarrassed to reveal the source for this claim.
    ** I don't know what this means if you eat in bed.

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • Radiation: RIP Aurora,

    Take my advice, Robyn, never sleep with a man who provides a running commentary track during sex - let alone one who does it in the third person.

    Robyn will take this advice, but suspects it is already too late.

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

  • Radiation: RIP Aurora,

    This reminds me of one of my favourite gossip items from Popbitch (December 2004):

    A lucky reader tells us that Tom Baker shouts out "Tom's coming!" at the moment of orgasm.

    Also rumoured is the utterance, "Tom's putting it in now."

    This makes him even more my favourite Doctor!

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts Report

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