Posts by Brent Jackson

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  • Speaker: Why we can’t just fix secondary…,

    The trouble is that any Income Tax rate significantly higher than the Company Rate can be avoided by funnelling income through trusts, Limited liability Companies, etc. And pushing the company rates up, makes other countries look good for transferable businesses.

    But I like the idea of $14K UBI (effectively National Super for everyone !). The trick is how to pay for it. The Govt should get a proportion of it back in tax (GST, and taxed profits from what people spend it on), and by doing away with a lot of existing welfare (and its administration), but there is still a lot of money to be gotten from somewhere. Company and flat income tax at 35% ? Ensure multi-nationals actually pay taxes here ? Capital Gains tax ?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

  • Speaker: Sponsored post: Speed and Safety, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    There aren’t many ads aimed at middle aged men driving home drunk from the golf club in their Holden V8 / BMWs, are there?

    What about the one about the guy constantly speeding driving his family to the holiday house, and when his son eventually starts driving the same route he totals his car ?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

  • Speaker: Sponsored post: Speed and Safety, in reply to Stephen Judd,

    I usually drive dead on 50 kph.

    Is that 50 according to your speedo, or 50 as measured correctly ? Modern car's speedos seem to read about 8% lower than the car's actual speed. This has probably been the main contributor to the lowering of average speeds. However, a lot of that will be people driving at 90 thinking they're driving at 100, instead of people driving over 110 actually slowing down.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

  • Speaker: Sponsored post: Speed and Safety, in reply to James Butler,

    but two identical cars hitting each other head on at identical speeds will only release twice as much as one hitting a wall at the same speed.

    And that energy is spread over twice the material (ie 2 cars as opposed to 1), so from a car's occupant's perspective, a head-on collision (with a similar-sized, and speed vehicle) is the same as hitting an immovable object at the same speed.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

  • Speaker: Sponsored post: Speed and Safety, in reply to Graeme Edgeler,

    And if you hit another car that’s moving, the impact speed may be doubled meaning the outcome will be twice as bad.

    Not four times as bad? Or some other even higher number? I’d have thought driving/crashing at 100km/h was much more dangerous than driving/crashing at 50km/h.

    Yes this is definitely true. I think it'd be closer to 4 times as bad, than 2 times as bad. However, two cars colliding head on at 50, is definitely not the same as one car colliding with something at 100km/h.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

  • Speaker: Sponsored post: Speed and Safety,

    And if you hit another car that’s moving, the impact speed may be doubled meaning the outcome will be twice as bad.

    This is false. Two cars hitting head on is the same for the car occupants, as a single car hitting an large stationary object. Assuming both cars are the same weight and going the same speed, and hit square on, then in both cases the speed of the front of the car goes to 0, and the rest of the car crumples behind it.

    This was tested in Mythbusters Episode 143

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why we can’t just fix secondary…,

    I can remember after my first couple of years in the workforce, coming across people complaining about having to pay tax at the end of the year. I tried to explain that this was a good thing because they had the use of the money throughout the year. It was like an interest free loan. They invariably said that even so, they would have rather had a refund. (I guess a tax refund is a form of compulsory saving like a Christmas Club).

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

  • Access: I Can’t See You, But You Should…,

    Note that Think Differently has some spaces available on 29th April in Christchurch for a free media training workshop "to make better use of the media to change attitudes and behaviour towards disabled people". (Also 4th June in Wellington).

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

  • Access: I Can’t See You, But You Should…, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    I think your link should be this. You need the "http://" on the front of the website address.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

  • Speaker: The purpose of science and its limits,

    IMho, accountants shouldn't run companies, let alone research institutes.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 620 posts Report

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