Posts by Glenn Pearce

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  • Hard News: Floating the idea,

    Oddly enough, ours has been stable for three summers now. Your chances of me conceding your point are basically zero

    It's disappearing before your eyes (slowly). I think I read at the time it would need to be done again in 15-20 years.

    I love the large scallop shells from Pakiri all over Pt Chev now. Imagine if you could wade out and pick up a few of those babies.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Floating the idea,

    The concept of the 1 or 2 weeks of *lessons* in primary schools as part of the curriculum is bogus. A lot of schools don't have pools anymore due to cost of maintenance and the children end up getting bused around to another pool, the time in the bus exceeds the time in the pool (our school even had a bus crash and children sent to hospital on the way to swimming lessons !) and of those that do have pools most are unheated outdoor pools unsuited to swimming lessons with teachers limited in their abilities to teach swimming properly anyway.

    To learn to swim properly cannot be achieved in 5-10 40 minute lessons a year at school.

    I'd rather see some sort of voucher system where kids are given discounted/subsidised lessons with professionals ?

    There is value in the out of water, water safety instruction and lifeguard visits given at school.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Open Thread 1: Beach…,

    Also: why are there tram tracks exposed at the corner of Halsey and Gaunt Streets?

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's called "planning" for a reason, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Are they Railways Studios posters ? If so, they are seriously collectable these days.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Year in Culture, in reply to Damian Christie,

    I hate the fact the front row of every ceremony is just a row of aunties squinting at LCD screens

    Couldn't agree more. You think weddings are bad, you should see the parents at a school performance or dance recital.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys,

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where nature may win,

    Robot 3 from West Australia is apparently something custom built by engineers for the water authority over there to operate in drains.

    It was offered after the Media man for the water authority (a kiwi following events in NZ) put two and two together and put the offer of the robot together.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where nature may win,

    yes, fair enough. I caught Campbell’s accusatory questions right after the showing of the mine video and that soured my view. Trying to pin blame shouldn’t be excused by “just asking questions”.

    He had a dig right at the end in closing that the video should have been released earlier is that what you mean ?

    Judith Collins on the radio this morning claiming it hadn't been released earlier because it wasn't in the the *right format* and it *took hours* to convert it. Tui Billboard there.

    The Herald this morning strongly implying it was released only after they asked John Key about its existence.

    Although I guess to the experts it didn't tell them anything they didn't already know, that there had been a massive explosion.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where nature may win,

    I’ve said it before, “Emergency services personnel have it drummed into them again, and again, and again

    The IPCA found the Police failed in their duty of care in that situation you refer to, hardly a shining example Matthew.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moving targets,

    I remember Jonathon Hunt came to speak to us at school in the 80's (he was an old boy I think) and he had great delight in telling us about the free travel that MP's were allowed. I don't recall the specifics but I'm pretty sure he was allowed free bus, train and maybe airline travel, anywhere/anytime sort of thing.

    He had some sort of lapel pin he claimed showed he was allowed this privilege.

    Thing was he took the pin off and passed it round so we could have a look and then walked off without it. I think we hung on to it for a couple of days before handing it back.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

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