Posts by p forrester jarvie

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  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    RB, to clarify my admittedly somewhat oblique/mischievous way of broaching my objection to 'HIV science' (and all that follows from it) yesterday..

    i am speaking of just what i did indeed mention, and that is the reward offered by various parties to s/he, they, who can actually *isolate* this little puppy that numerous other parties call 'the HIV virus'

    and achieving this according to the very clear rules & criteria for doing so (which have been in place since Pasteur's time) has simply not happened yet..

    if there is not a wholly unnecessary clamour here begging to defer to authority & consensus figures - and may i repeat my insistence that we did NOT arrive at the dawn of the scientifically-girded 20th century via a series of consensus meetings - i shall link anyone interested to papers which will swiftly take you very deep into the relevant science at stake..

    i ask that folks not waste their breath with purely flatulent accusations of "denial" , 'heresy. &c &c and recall to themselves once more that we have indeed entered the age of the internet, where every man worth his weight in informedness is free to judge the available evidence for himself

    to those fretful littlle sleepers Sacha and Islander i ask - did your grandma not tell you it is very rude to speak of someone present in the 3rd person?

    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    "Sorry, guys, I don't find it funny. Perhaps because of the number of times any BDSMer will be told they MUST have been abused as a child."

    forgive me but i do not understand what is meant here, exactly!
    "..the numberr of times ANY BDSMer will be told.." told by whom?

    this doesn't correspond to much in my own experience!

    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    i hi chaps

    i am in a uni computer room and i totally HAVE to go for a pee
    aint got my id on me so dunno if i can get back in after i go
    very, VERY glad that you wish to grab hold of more
    please, bear with me
    and i will be, your humble smurfant


    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,


    ll' p

    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    Here then is wordplay: the HIV Predator is available at YOUR Honda Dealer NOW! Why, that sucker's got more positraction than your normal unstimulated cell can even think about, and when it goes into reverse transcriptase gear, your buggerals will re-sequence your exhausted funpipe before you can even say dalzielikeit!

    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    aww dass right bro!
    no additives in my porridge, aye?
    wordplay is for scavengers on the ever-twitching unhulled hull of truth!

    but is that double o in woordplay some indication of yr south afrikaan origins or what?


    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    have to say i'm fairly astounded to behold everybody still ready to look upon RB as avatar of 'responsible journalism' after he lies right down like a squelchy little lamb before the figure of the "HIV Predator"

    with all there is for us to freely consider regarding such, the prize ever higher every year for s/he who can truly meet the plain criiteria for isolation of such a 'virus', i'm flippergusted that RB is willing to play so fast and loose (flippnatly) with such confusion of science with mere cultural arteifacts!

    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

  • Hard News: Put on the full armour of God,

    but she's hardly"reaching over to poke at dad's fuzzy knitted member", is she? She's handling the specific gravitas of that mohair saveloy with what appears to be a perfect ratio of curiosity & tenderness..

    let's all get crochety now why don't we

    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

  • Hard News: Put on the full armour of God,

    well, if it's kids' entertainment you're after. then it's kids' entertainment you get
    discuss that, now, ye hard newsies!(insert big smiley)

    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

  • Hard News: Put on the full armour of God,

    TB - you should see what i mean! the church in Galileo's day sided with what was understood to be the scientifically-respectable majority view, ie that of Ptolemaic astronomy, just as it sides for the very most part today with the majority belief in Mother Evolution (and her all-suffocating logic), stopping short only of 'resurrecting' the figure of Teilhard de Chardin as supreme champion and guarantor of the doctrine..

    SG even if you sever the words 'spiritual' from beliefs and 'divine' from leader we are still dealing with essentially the same situation, transposed in its entirety now to the Body Politic; hello BO the fertility god rising from the awesomely rich hate-manured soil of the sacrificed Bush administration...

    Since Feb 2009 • 84 posts Report

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