Posts by Jackie Clark

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  • Hard News: What's on David Bain's iPod?,

    Well, I like to be a contradiction me, which is why I shall continue to read North and South, and watch Survivor; listen to Solid Gold, and enjoy Hotere's art; play Foreigner really loudly, and listen to Bach whilst I work. And so on. I cannot be bothered with all this highbrow wankery. And isn't it great that we are all different. Far more interesting than everyone reading the NBR and reading books in the evening with a glass of good red wine. Back to the topic, though. Although I neither know nor care whether Bain is innocent, the only people it need concern are his family, and himself, surely? The media scrum was alarming, the questions inane, and as for what's on his ipod one would have to imagine that if he did murder his family it would be 10CC's " The things we do for love....." and if he's innocent, wouldn't it have to be something from Al Stewart, like " Time Passages" or Bill Withers' "Steppin' Right Along"?

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    What an interesting discussion (comedy as a craft, not the how do I get to quote people, bit), I had never thought of comedy like that. Thanks, Michele. You learn something new every day. I suppose that most comedians don't do freestyle stuff alot of the time - after all, it's difficult to make people laugh at the best of times, and I guess the people who do it best are those that have most practise at it. I agree with David. It might be well rehearsed, but as an audience, you don't want to see that bit of it. It's the magic of hearing something said that you hadn't heard said, or thought of, in that way before. And that's why I will continue to go to see comedy shows. Because I'm not so much into the craft. Like looking at a good painting or hearing a great piece of music, I don't need to know how or why it works, I just know that it does, for me. And that people who can make it work, not just for me, but for hundreds of others, are very clever. I like clever people. They make the world interesting.

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    well, yes Craig - being a decent human being is one thing, but really, haven't we all done shit that's morally questionable? I really do mean it about it being 1981 - it truly was a different time. I went to school, in my 7th form year - which was, incidentally 1981 - and the big joke amongst the boys in my year was the time they went to the beach and stoned a seagull to death. The whole year was spent making seagull noises. Oh, and I do believe they used to have concrete hanky sessions ( I don't particularly want to explain that. You may need to use some imagination). Nowadays they are all in senior positions, men in their mid 40's, and yes, most of them turned out to be really good human beings. I think if people want to be all moralistic, fine and dandy. But we all do, or are witness to, or are around people who do, stupid, morally reprehensible things when we're young. I just can't get morally exercised about a bunch of young men watching a bit of filth. Just like I can't get morally exercised about alot of stuff. Police rape is one thing. Watching filthy, disgusting films is quite another.

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    I'm with Che on this one. Seriously, what's with all the overanalysis? Shock horror, a bestiality film. Shock horror, at a police rugby club party. Shock horror, people watched it. Come on now -it was 1981. The man didn't know he was going to be Police Commissioner, and you can't live your life in moral purity just because you might one day end up having an important job. Poor bugger has enough to deal with without having to be accountable for some dodgy goings on when he was in his early twenties.

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    Now, see Jeremy, I've seen you perform several times, perhaps at gigs a year apart and a few times at the Comedy Club, and I really have never heard you do the same material.

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

  • OnPoint: D6: Trainspotting,

    Living vicariously has never seemed so sweet, really.

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

  • Hard News: The People's Choice,

    Sue, I was having a wee joke at my own expense with the wimmin thing. Many years ago, as a unifem, our thing was that we weren't women, we were wimmin. W I M M I N. Wasn't at all being serious about that. Morgan - yes, it is the same size as everyone else's (well maybe a bit bigger on my PC since the eyes aren't what they were), but sometimes the discussion is a little more sizeable than I can be, as Sue says, be bothered with, or sometimes after a long day teaching children of 3-5, the brain stretches only to assessments of learning behaviour, or walks with the dog, or cooking dinner, or participating in somewhat less cerebral activities, and not much else, I'm not afraid to say.

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    I've been to a couple of Lovegrove's shows. Exactly the same ones as everyone else, it would seem. I just can't stand the same material being used time and time again. In the UK, with a large audience, where a comedian travelling around would play all sorts of places, fair enough. Not in Auckland, where the comedy scene is so small. There are exellent comedians here in NZ, and the best ones don't practice on their festival audiences - Jan Maree floats my boat, as does Penny Ashton (who can make a dirty ditty out of any situation). I don't write comedy and I would imagine it's very hard yakka, but really, if you're genuinely funny, and Lovegrove is, I don't think you need to repeat yourself. Do you?

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

  • Speaker: This ain't a scene,

    oh merc, yes. And even better, stirrup Adidas trackpants. The blue or black ones with the white stripes down the side. Very tight, very sexy. Bloody marvellous.

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

  • Hard News: The People's Choice,

    Firstly - big congratulations to all the Public Address crew. Intelligent meaningful discourse is always a wondrous thing.

    re Music Awards - was also there, and go along with most people on this one. The Brash thing was embarrassing, whatshisface from whatever that programme is called was a complete twat, but I was distracted by the seatrockingly loud music so thought nothing much of the politics.

    re where all the "ladies" are. With Robyn on the whole, no ladies here thing, really. We are women - preferably wimmin. And I have to say, that you have to be a pretty strong woman to frequent this little corner of the universe. There are some fairly esoteric people of the male gender that hang out here, and to get your voice heard above some of it, well, women tend sometimes not to enjoy that. Not all women are averse to it, certainly, but I personally find it daunting at times. There is discussion here on topics of which I have an opinion, and other topics, not so much.......

    re Bain: the more I think about it, the more I come to understand that there is an awful lot of evidence in high profile cases that is never heard in court. We all have opinions about the guilt or innocence of these people, but I'm afraid that we really aren't in possession of all the facts in these cases.

    Mt Eden, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 3136 posts Report

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