Posts by Michael Savidge

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  • Hard News: Let's be hearing it,

    Don's gone.

    Will the real slim shady please stand up....

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's be hearing it,

    As the spin kicks in...."it's how he handled it, not what he did" and the initial euphoria wears thin (perhaps Hager doesn't have that smoking gun, maybe its a wet paper trail)), I guess it was inevitable that Wishass would wade in with his usual stinkpile of 'whogivesafuck'....

    Tis enough to make one consider yawning...

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's be hearing it,

    Which makes him a prime suspect for leaking the material in the first place...

    I like that...has the ring of occam's to it...

    Bring on the rise of the south...

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's be hearing it,


    Nah..c''re just bored and winding us up eh?

    I for one can't recall Labour recently pulling Hager into their collective bosom....

    Apologies for the possible visual there...

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's be hearing it,

    I'd like to know why IP (and ilk) are so hurt by it all...

    This is very much in the nature of politics and the public sphere...

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's be hearing it,

    I have to admit feeling a bit sorry for Hager too. He's taking a hell of a shellacking from all sorts of rabid folk out there...hopefully the evidence, once laid out, brings him some semblance of redemption.

    If not, he may as well slink off and open Hager, Wisheart and Coddswollop PR Inc. "For all the news that's fun to print!"

    If nothing else, it's been good sport watching the froth on the lips of the deniers...

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Bar brawls aren't my thing,

    As far as accusations of shonky journalism go, they're already up and running on kiwiblog in response to Nicky Hager's non-release of "The Hollow Men"

    Can we get our own wee thread up and running Russell?

    It's gold, Jerry, Gold!

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • What Happens: The Sequel!,


    Indeed, the US govt has spent all that money. Some of it even in good faith.

    But from my point of view (and I've always tried to be as objective as possible, unlike some) the vast majority of US spending since WWII has been to consolidate some form of global hegemony.

    The global institutions so espoused by successive US administrations (IMF, World Bank, WTO etc) have done more to hurt developing nations than the much more publicised "help" such as your vaunted AIDS program.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-US at all. The US Bill of Rights is righteous baby. I'm just saying that if you want the rest of the world to give you a'll have to admit to past wrongs and make REAL efforts to rectify them.

    Not tokenism with one hand and corruption and deceit on the other.

    We're not stupid you know.

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • What Happens: The Sequel!,


    I said a few other things as well. Please don't use my words to back up your blinkered position.

    Would you like to see the US play any suit of altruistic multi-lateral role in the development of other nations and/or global security? Even if it affected the standard of living there?

    Or would you prefer that the US accumulate as much wealth as possible at the expense of whoever, and keep the military strong so they can fill their boots and (try to) crush any opposition?

    Actually, I think I may know.

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • What Happens: The Sequel!,


    I think I can speak for a few of us here that we don't hold out a huge amount of hope that the Dems will be the "saviours". For fucks sake, we don't want saviours, we want rational, responsible, accountable types who will step back from the brink and stop trying to dominate the entire fuckin world! Read history from a neutral perspective and admit where mucho culpability lies...

    Dems, Reps, your place and role and the chaos you have caused. All in the name of ahem...God - so that the fine citizens of the US may grow fatter and more self-righteous about their cultural superiority...

    By the way, I lived there for 5 years and left just before 9/11 because I could no longer enjoy the fruits....they were too tainted.

    It's not often I rant so clumsily's not like you'll take it under consideration.

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

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