Posts by Emma Hart

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  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    Class (I'm just guessing) and family/partner violence, aren't related to demographics? Not sure I get it.

    Defining 'class' at the time is a tricky one. And the majority of the people copping it in my family were male.

    I think what I'm trying to say is that I find I have more in common with people who've had the same experiences than me than those who share the same tick-boxes. I'm also wary of the way demographic trends lead to over-simplications: that domestic violence is a lower-class problem, or something that happens to women. While by and large it's true, it also makes a bunch of victims invisible. It becomes very easy to forget that there are a bunch of men wandering round who were kicked around as kids.

    But I also have a fundamental obligation not to drag my family's private issues out in public.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Stories: Christmas,

    Depends if it was done in an ironic 'geez, this cake's a bit dense' way, or in more of a 'Heeeeere's Johnny!" Jack Nicholson manner.

    Aiming for the former, succeeding in the latter. I think he was also aiming for ironic when he shot my cat.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Stories: Christmas,

    I mean, my arteries are now, fundamentally, aluminium tubing filled with chicken wire and shortening, but it was worth it.

    Metaphor of the week, right there.

    Your first Christmas with kids who are old enough to appreciate it is, well, magical. Awesome. I have photos somewhere of my fourteen month old son ripping into his first Christmas stocking, and the sheer joy on his face is cynic-melting.

    This morning I found my ten year old daughter's secret letter to Santa. It started off with 'Do you really exist? I don't think you do' and progressed to 'List of Stuff I Want'. Nothing wrong with covering your bases...

    And I was going to tell the hil__ar__ious story of the time my partner gave me a cardboard Chris Cairns, and then I remembered that was a birthday present...

    (Or am I the only person with nutbar relatives?)

    Define 'nutbar'. My dad put an axe through the Christmas cake one year.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    I want to hear more about the terrifying amounts of porn, or was it the amounts of terrifying porn?

    A regular pornami. A pornado. Desert Porn. Californipornication.

    Actually, some of it is just... a bit much. Are you familiar with the term 'squick'?

    Maybe if you just sort of crouch down a bit?

    Ha, I hadn't thought of that. I think I was sixteen the last time someone suggested that, when they couldn't find a Gratiano tall enough to play opposite my Nerissa.

    Hazards informed guess: because you have to be a particular stripe of brave to use your real name for that stuff?

    Absolutely. Not that any of the people I knew then can type or have found teh internets, but yes, brave, and also I'd think over it to some degree.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    The Dropkicks aren't after a token as such, we'd like someone just like us but with a "women's perspective". ie. Able to talk bollocks while not possessing any.

    It's true some women do have a different perspective on rugby from most men. We're still trying to work out if the Hurricanes can retain their title of Prettiest Super Rugby Franchise with the departure of Tana Umaga.

    To be very slightly less facetious, Melodie Robinson is fantastic. There must be another one of those somewhere.

    Gender Genie thinks I'm a man.

    Lovely post, Emma. Tell me you will be writing more, pleeeeease?

    GG thinks I'm a man when I write non-fiction and a woman when I write fiction. I'll admit to being a little dubious about its methodology.

    And thank you. I do write all the time, every day. Just normally I use words like 'gasped' more...

    No, the real horror story is that you're a Cantab. And that means you fight in the streets, marry your own children, own a banjo and have just purchased a season ticket at Telstra Stadium.

    I was going to write a blisteringly sarcastic rejoinder to this, then I realised I have been in a couple of street fights. Just not in Chch.

    A really entertaining first post. I hope it isn't the last.

    My mother warned me about men like you. Slip me a twenty and I'll think about it.

    Or, thank you.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    I've sat in a cocaine dealer's trailer and listened to guys howl aggressively at pay-per-view boxing. Does that count?

    I'm saying 'yes'.

    Also, to quote David Cassidy, I think I love you.

    Excellent. That' going to push Russell's Official Diversity Rating right up.

    But then I think we may be required to become members of some sort of cabal? And run the country. Which sounds like way too much effort for a)this time of year, and b)me.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Speaker: Insert Token Here,

    Greetings Emma or is it Emman

    You can call me whatever you like, luvvie.

    They do now. There were curly quotes in the coding, doubtless added by some word processing application that thinks it knows better.

    Oh balls, I meant to fix that before I sent it off.

    And no dis intended, but I don't really have a clue what you mean about "unconscious masculine energy" and not having a "recognisably female voice".

    Neither do I. No clue. Typical in my experience is that the men sit on the couch and play computer games / watch Bathurst while the women organise every detail of their lives.

    My mum was heavily involved in the Values Party when I was a kid, so I can confirm that it isn't just Tory women where you get the feeling that Death is going to have to do some serious negotiating.

    Would being a lesbian midget in Second Life count? Just asking. For a friend.

    That depends, Mark. What level of commitment does 'your friend' put into really living the emotional experience of their virtual lesbian midget?

    Anyway, welcome aboard Emma - which seems weird to say, because with your longstanding prolific and interesting input, you're as fully-aboard is anyone here on the System.

    Cheers, Mark. This has been a somewhat harrowing but ultimately rewarding experience.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Terra Firma,

    Written on rolls of papyrus, it was.



    We had it on blocs of stone.

    I know diversity of voices and all that, but a good set up - knock down just warms the cockles of my heart.

    but that book was published a few years ago

    1957, I think. It was 'quaint' when we were using it in the 80s.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Terra Firma,

    And I second Kyle's argument for learning NZ history in high school

    Geebuz I must be getting old now. I'm pretty sure that when I was in 7th form, we did half a year of Tudor and Stuart, and half a year of NZ history. This was so long ago we used Keith Sinclair's History of New Zealand as the set text. Written on rolls of papyrus, it was.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

  • Busytown: Pavlova Paradise,

    No worse feeling than your first post in a thread being the very last one.

    Silence is about the hardest thing to guage on the net. Without any visual clues, you've no idea if no-one is responding because they think you're an idiot, or because they think you've 'said it far better than [they] could', or because you've posted just before System's daily 4:30 knock-off point.

    Ten days before Christmas, and you want women to do MORE voluntary work?

    I looked at the calendar today and had a John McEnroe moment - 'you canNOT be serious!'

    as for your "harden up", don't you know that women can't do that... ;)

    Ha, there've been winter nights you could drill core samples out of pack ice with my nipples.

    And sometimes the silence is because you've said something incredibly tasteless...

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts Report

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