Posts by tussock

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  • Field Theory: Those Jamaican Yams,

    And an ordinary wild cheetah would cover over 200m in the same space of time, from a standing start. Fairly conservative estimate, 3 seconds to get up to top speed of around 26 m/s takes about 40m, then another 2 and a half seconds to finish the 100, and another 4 seconds for the next 100.

    I'm not sure they can sprint too close top speed for a full 200m though. IIRC it takes them about 300-400m to catch their prey (typically 20 m/s gazelles) with up to a 100m starting gap, so maybe they can. They're at least maintaining their speed advantage over the gazelles all the way.

    Wow. Olympic sprinters are half as fast as a cheetah. And I'm half as fast as them, easily doing 50m in 10 seconds.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    Surely a fossil-carbon tax used to subsidise the construction of alternative infrastructure (which all had to compete on it's own merits from then on) was the way to go?

    Sure, you want to fiddle with the methane and other emissions if someone can figure out an equitable way of distributing the costs without burdensome red tape, and probably just ban plasma screen TVs, but the problem is fossil fuels, and there are workable alternatives.

    Yes, they end up using precious water and arable land, but so does doing nothing, and the increased cost results in real and rapid reductions that trade systems can't manage.

    Cap and trade's a joke, a political game to save the entrenched positions of polluters from extinction, but the alternative isn't to do nothing. You make the problem pay for the solution right now, and the economy settles at whatever the new balance point will be: more public transport, trains, and coastal shipping, less SUVs and new motorways. Duh.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Professionalism is killing…,

    If only they'd kick the super-14 teams into their own division. Then there'd be ...

    5 super division, home and away then internationals.
    6 premiere division, home and away and a final.
    6 division one, home and away and a final.
    9 heartland rep, round robin for 8-team seeded knockout.

    But, no, SA doesn't want to disturb the curry cup, so we have to follow their lead, and us and Oz couldn't find the sponsors for just us, them, the PI's, Japan, and Argentina. Ah well, would have been awesome, but never mind, better the corporate dollars than a great competition.

    Hmm, you know, speaking of corrupt local government, Auckland would be spending two and a half billion dollars on rugby grounds for the world cup to proportionately keep up with Dunedin.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Speaker: The End of Consumerism,

    Always something else to consider: cheap oil, and how it no longer exists. How do we get the 50's back again when their production was driven on fuel costing a small fraction of what it now does, and forever more will?

    And yes, those grand scams that payed all the world's capital out as a book profit on unrealised gambles, that's going to be interesting for a while. We've all spent our next two years income already, on average, and as more people become unemployed and real wages fall that's going to get a lot worse. Inflation will soon enough destroy the debt and the paper capital with it (especially with all and sundry printing money fit to burst), but then you're back to rebooting without cheap oil to do all the work. We may all yet live in interesting times.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • OnPoint: What gorilla?,

    How to empty prisons.

    1: Pardons. Yes, really, and lots of them. Go nuts.

    2: Repeal prohibition. Let adults be, well, adults. Give the poor, struggling chemists something useful to sell again. There were no more drug addicts in the world when it was perfectly legal than there are now, after a good seventy years of this nonsense.

    3: Stop putting people in prison for not paying their fines. Like, they owe you a couple grand, so you spend sixty grand making a point about it? Treat them like student loans, no one puts that lot in prison if they're too poor to pay. Oh, and make fines proportional to income, duh.

    4: Lower minimum parole back to 1/3 of the sentance, and cap the mandatory non-parole periods for life back to 14 years, and others proportionately. I mean, spend ten times as much monitoring parolees and it's still well under half the price of prison.

    5: Then, if you want to be fussy, create a new top tax rate at 45% over 250k, double the minimum wage, and cut the working year to 200 6-hour days, and ban absentee landlords: creating full employment, reducing the wealth gap, and giving everyone a stake in society.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Up Front: NSFW,

    Reasonably, I think the word you want is 'unusually'. I'm not sure about the virtues of describing one sexual more as reasonable and another as not.

    Hmm, I see what you mean, there's some unfortunate baggage there.

    I was trying for the antonym of, well, a sense where most people would expect the possibility an erotic reaction. Ah, I left out the expected part. No, actually, I just ballsed up the whole thing trying to be clever.

    Never mind me, I failed English for a reason. Do love words, but.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Speaker: A Very Simple Stroke,

    +1 Human.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Up Front: NSFW,

    The word y'all were looking for is "nude", or "nudes". Noun.

    Erotic is instead about the feeling a thing might reasonably inspire in an observer, that of Eros, the god of sexual desire. Kinky is that which might unreasonably inspire the same. Sexy is a socially safer term for much the same thing.

    So, streakers are naked, night bathers are in the nick, nudists are unclothed, models are nude, and it's far too deep into winter for all that nonsense, thank you very much.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    The main difference between Guilty 13 years ago and Not Guilty this time round

    About 10 million dollars, a whole lot less suppressed evidence, and a defense lawyer who thought his client was innocent.


    The only thing suppressed about the tape was what was "claimed to be heard", not the actual tape, which was played to the jury in full, who never heard it. Quite rightly so all round.

    "The section is about one second long. All experts who analysed the tape recognised the voice of a very distressed caller who has difficulty catching his brief."

    Speaking of edit buttons.

    Anyone else remember when rock bands were all telling their fan base to commit suicide, and you could hear it if you listened to the vinyls backwards at 1/3 speed, on maximum base, kinda?


    As to a young man's sexual fantasies, there's a reason most of us keep them to ourselves, eh. The old reliable, "throw enough mud and some will stick" tactic of prosecution.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    Oddly enough, I'm pretty sure I read someone from the prosecution team complaining that while they had to disclose everything to the defence, the defence could take months assemble its expert witnesses and only unveil them when they got to court ...

    Yes. It's not a game, the police are supposed to find the truth before laying charges, and the defense are allowed to dig about and find any flaws in the telling of it before trial. If the police haven't found the defense's story themselves, they haven't investigated properly.

    Thus, arrest on suspicion, charge on evidence, pre-trial to put forward a specific case for the prosecution of a crime, trial to test for a reasonable defense against that specific prosecution.

    Since Nov 2006 • 611 posts Report

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