Posts by Felix Marwick

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  • Field Theory: Sunshine? Bah!,

    @ Naly

    Felix, are you the same F Marwick of Newstalk ZB?

    Yep, one and the same.

    Right time to head to the Caketin to watch some cricket and get well and truly aerated by this damn northerly.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sunshine? Bah!,

    Agreed. .. incidentally, I reckon the foremost commentators on NZ rugby are the Dropkicks, Grant Fox, Spiro Zavos and Tracey Nelson.

    Don't forget the Jedi and the alternative rugby commentary. His stuff is highly entertaining.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Up Front: Absence of Malice,

    Hutt Valley High and Motueka High - mid to late 80's - wagging on both counts.

    And for Mark T; maybe I've got you wrong but I get the distinct impression you believe all authority figures have to be given respect. Well if that's what floats your boat then I wish you all the best.

    For myself, I believe respect has to be earned.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Random Play: The movie that cried out to…,

    Y'know if you pitched that New Zealand concept to the Film Commission you would probably get a swag of funding.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birth of the Nasty,


    I may have misinterpreted your comment, and if I have I apologise in advance, but if you are implying gallery journalists are lazy or have an agenda hiding behind laziness then you would be very wrong.

    My colleagues are among the hardest working people I have ever had the privilege to work with.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birth of the Nasty,

    I rarely post on political matters as it may lead to one of those drawn out arguments where no-one ends up satisfied.

    But I would like to make a small point in regard to previous criticisms made about media coverage of Select Committees as I think it was a little off base.

    I can tell you that members of the Press Gallery do cover Select Committees on a regular and constant basis. My print colleagues (ie Herald, Dom' Post, The Press, NZPA) always have reporters on deck for them. So too do RNZ, Radio Live, and ZB (though for us commercial radio people we do have to pick and choose what we go to as our resources are limited). TVNZ and TV3 are regular attendees as well and so too are representatives from other agencies with Press Gallery accreditation.

    From my own perspective I'd generally get to at least 2 select committee meetings every morning when the committee's are sitting. At least that's what I aim for if I can.

    However there are 18 of them (well 19 now with the new one set up to look at the ETS) and it's simply not possible to be at all of them all of the time.

    And, to be honest, that's not an appealing prospect. A lot of SC business is not exactly riveting stuff. It's a matter of making a news judgment about what's significant, how many people will be affected, and flow on implications ... etc etc.

    Admittedly there are a number of people out there that have a fascination with all things politics and they'd be overjoyed if we were doing more than we are. But you have to balance against that the large number of people that find politics a turn-off, who find other news areas more interesting, and they too deserve to be catered for by news outlets.

    Finally, another issue to consider is the substantial amount of SC business being done behind closed doors - that we can't get to with any ease, no matter how much we might like to.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Southerly: Life at Paremoremo Boys' High,

    His words lingered in my ears as I passed out of the school gates for the last time: "You're going to be a failure, Haywood. Remember that."

    Funny. I remember a teacher of mine saying exactly the same thing to me as I left the hallowed halls of learning/venal institution that was my school. Mind you, given my naked disrespect and utter contempt towards him, I wasn't too surprised about his attitude towards me..

    The school concerned hit the headlines a while back as being a hotbed of violence, bullying, and intimidation. Personally I was surprised it'd taken people the best part of two decades too discover this. It sounded like it was just the same as it was when I had the misfortune to be there.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Hard News: Crash and Contempt,

    The Moral
    Never trust a Grasshopper.

    While we're on this tack ....

    One day a lion was walking through the forest when he came across a tiny mouse. Being a lion and a predator he was feeling peckish and was about to consume the rodent for a late morning snack. However the mouse whimpered so piteously and with such great distress that the lion paused and reconsidered.

    The mouse pleaded for his life pledging that, even though he was but a small and insignificant creature, he would owe the lion a great debt if he'd only but let him live.

    The lion, who really didn't think he'd get more than a mere swallow out of a mere mouse acquiesced and let the diminutive rodent go.

    A week later the lion was walking through the same part of the forest when he accidentally became entangled in a cunning snare set by a hunter. He thrashed and struggled to break himself free but to no avail. The lion roared until the leaves on the trees trembled and the ground reverberated with his rage and despair. But it was to no avail. His bonds were tight and help seemed all but non-existent.

    It was at this moment the tiny mouse whom the lion had spared just a week before scampered into view.

    The Lion pleaded with the mouse for his assistance, imploring him to gnaw through the ropes that tied him to set him free and repay the life debt that was owed.

    The mouse rested on his haunches and considered matters for a minute. Then with a cheeky grin he gave the lion the finger and scampered off into the undergrowth leaving the lion to the terrible fate of being killed and skinned by the hunter.

    Moral of the Story
    mice are c**ts

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Hard News: Now It's On,

    Well, we don't want to burden (let alone hire and properly resource) journalists or camera crews with any fucking work, do we? Not after we blew the budget sending a troop of barely house-trained monkeys to Beijing to make fools of themselves.

    As a journalist of course I'd much prefer our respective organisations had the ability to have people on the ground, everywhere, and all the time to cover this campaign. But having said that I'm not going to be overly critical of using some citizen reporting along the way.

    It's sometimes amazing what politicians will say when they think there's no journalist present.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

  • Cracker: Being there is everything.…,

    ah dear old Air NZ. How does that slogan go again.

    Breakfast in Auckland.
    Lunch in Christchurch.
    Dinner in Queenstown.
    Luggage? Fuck knows where.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 200 posts Report

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