Posts by Steve Barnes

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  • Hard News: Case Studied,

    I just had to go and look at
    Investigate magazine's breaking wind forum, thanks for the heads up about Daddy4 he really is vile eh?
    I did notice that every time Danyl seemed to make a valid point Whisart would say "Buy the Book" well if he wants us to read his, oh so important, essay why doesn't he just publish on the web? is he that desperate for cash that he is willing to let this astounding piece of work filter down to us mere mortals by way of the discount bin at the Warehouse?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fibre Coming Soon! Ish ...,

    Tranching has largely led to the understatement of the risks embedded in high-yield debt and asset-backed securities backing the structured products. These risks have surfaced recently in the light of the subprime mortgage crisis.

    Gee Mr Key, you sure know some big wordz.
    Yeah. Call me picky but when a political party can only find its leaders from a small goup of "financial advisors" with no political experience then the agenda is far from hidden, it's a frikkin ELEPHANT sitting on your lap. You can be sure that first "tranch" of homes will be on Partai Drive and the likes of Ms. Gibbs will be able to download all they desire.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fibre Coming Soon! Ish ...,

    I think I have found Nationals research on FTTH. Perhaps we could have zero GST on fibre thus encouraging higher fibre intake.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Hot Media,

    Another really good episode. Could see the sweat on all of you

    EEEWWW, Cant wait for HDTV, will we be able to see said sweat actually seeping from the pores?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pamphleteering,

    I feel so much better now, better than James Brown. ;-)

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pamphleteering,

    I can agree with AS but I think that there are things that need to be done to improve the situation.
    It should be seen as a privilage to be in public service not just a job for life, as it used to be. We have been told by National, in the past, that we can not expect good quality people unless we pay the same for people in the public sector as we do in the private sector, the best people just wont take the jobs. Well I think different. We have people in the services, ie. Army, Navy and Airforce, that could make more bucks as mercenaries than they can in the services, and there is the point. If you want to spend your working life working for a living wage, as opposed to "getting rich", doing the best you can for the greater good then you deserve respect.
    If you think a public sector job is an easy ride then you are the wrong person for the job and there are opportunities in the private sector but, and it is a great big fat wobbly butt, if there is no good governance of the society that you live in then the private sector is just a jungle full of greedy self serving fat bastards.
    Some have said that the reforms of the 80's were introduced by Labour. The fact is that after the mess left by Muldoon we had little choice but to tighten our belts and sell some assets. What happened then was a great example of the corrupive force of powerand greed. Roger Douglas and his pals, including many life long Labour stalwarts (as was Douglas' family), sniffed the butt of greed and raped the nation (I'm sure you already know the story) and sold us all out for the benefit of their mates and themselves.
    The present Labour party has done its best to right the wrongs of those turncoat bastards and our economy and, as a whole,it has improved.
    We have a world wide economic problem caused by greed and selfishness. Now the supporters of the Right are saying "what about me? it's too hard to get rich" well you had your shot, you have your McMansions, you have your jetskis and your family trusts and your BMWs and big screen TVs. Go back to work instead of living off your stockmarket gains and sell your shit to China, now you can. Let the people that look after your sick Mothers and Fathers, the people that run the checkout at your handy supermarket, the people that dispose of your rubbish and the people that teach your children have a fair suck of the sav. (as they say in that oh so much better country we call Australia where they still have workers rights)
    National is the bastard son of the desire for wealth that is the root of all evil and we owe our forefathers so much more after all they did for us. EH?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Episode One,

    Seeing as everybody else is beeing nice

    I need to loosen up in front of the autocue, but you get that.

    I nearly climbed under the couch, that first ten minutes was painful to watch but you came out of it well (shows promise etc.)
    I watched it on our new pvr setup that we put together just for the privilage of being able to look at you.
    On the TVNZ on demand thing. Well what did you expect? If I came to you demanding stuff you might take umbridge and not want to play nice either. So should they rename it "TVNZ for you if we can be bothered"?

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Buy now: spend the recession inside!,

    We're at risk of a reference to Monty Python's Four Yorkshiremen sketch ... please bring it on.

    Eeee. When I were a lad we had to sit int bath till all the heat were used up then we had to lick t" condensation off windows wit tounge for tea. mind you we had navel fluff for insultation int those days. Ahh Looksharry.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Buy now: spend the recession inside!,

    I agree with you but you're side stepped insulation.

    Well. bad insulation methods are as bad as none. bad insulation deployment can lead to lack of ventilation and absorption of water vapour thus making the whole house a breeding ground for disease and pestilence. As for the Swannies being made in China. Once we get that FTA we can all bulk up on cheap Swannies to keep warm ;-)

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Buy now: spend the recession inside!,

    We're still discovering the last batch of Cowboys work - Leaky Schools etc. Any change is too soon.

    I'm not quite sure what you mean here unless you mean "Any change is not soon enough" or somthing like that. Anyhoo. The cowboys who are responsible for all the leaky ticky tacky buildings were the accountants trying to save a few dollars on time and materials for the sake of greater profits for their masters, at no time were those savings passed on to the buyer and all the time we were being fed the line that "the builders were to blame" The fact that developers were able to cut corners was the result of changes to the building code to allow cheaper materials and methods (you can guess who lobbied for these changes and which party was in power, here's a clue, A big Australian cement products company and it was pre Labour)
    There are ways to build without using treated timber even using tacky cladding like pretend wood spongy stuff that absobs water like a, well, sponge. If you have enough ventilation and the timber can dry between soakings then you don't get mould and rot. As for double glasing harden up boy and buy a swannie or take up knitting.

    Back in the day of the State House, the NZ Govt & Banks would be favourable towards private building on the State House Model. Creating the egalatarian myth.

    It may seem like a myth now but it was an ideal that was hoped for by Micky Savage and his band of merry labourites. To this day state houses are still as strong as the day they were built because they were built well and built to last, back then it wasn't all about money it was about the greater good. So who's to blame? let's just say greed.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

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