Posts by KevinHicks

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  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    BTW I know of no-one in C&R who had knowledge of this poster campaign. My guess is that is was fueled genuine anger over the way Dominion road small businesses have been treated over sginage - get out and talk to them they are spitting tacks!

    City vision wants is to have its cake and eat it too - anti-small business but business must pay.

    I want everyone to be treated fairly and equally and a phased in return to universalism, as far as possible.

    Auckland • Since Sep 2007 • 67 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Russel, I am not going to fib - we have had 15 years of continuous rates rises from both C&R and City Vision. Both because of rabid house value rises and increases in the "rate". Our rates have gone up 400% in that time since the split them into 3. My son and I went into this campaign because this is unsustainable for everyone and because C&R have had a cleanout and a mindset change over the rates issue.

    If we hike rates this much over 15 good years but dont fix the basics then what the heck is going to happen when we have a downturn. Little or none of the rates have been spent on your beloved infrastruture so they are still bleating about having to put rates up to fix the pipes and roads. Our position is that enough is enough and essential services will have to take priority over handing out money to community groups like lollywater.

    We will work with anyone to achieve this and and we wil work to keep C&R on task.

    As for the hero parade - I can only speak for myself and I will not hold the purse strings since I'm running for the ADHB. - its like a conscience issue I guess - I have no strong feelings either way as long as council doesnt have to pay for it and they pay something if council has to clean up afterwward.

    I would have the same opinion about most of these "cultural events" - i fail to see why local or central government has to pay for people's hobbies unless it has an economic return for the country as a whole. The social return is enhanced by people paying for it themselves.

    I will be applying the same principles to my time on the ADHB if elected - that I will be giving local and cnetral government a bolloxing for spending on feel good vote catching money wasting incentives while the basics such as waiting lists and high tech capitalisation are left unattended to.

    Ryan and I have spent a lot of time out and about talking to people about these issues with a good reception. I even convinced a communist to vote for me :lol:

    So the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. We will do our bit to keep C&R focused on the basic services the coummunity wants and needs in the hope it wont be left to the next generation. We are trying to change the gimme mindset here and go for sustainablity.


    Auckland • Since Sep 2007 • 67 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    Russel of course I can - its patently obvious. If the council takes high rates of homeowners courtesy of house price infalation that their ridiculous policies and tose of their bedpals in Wgtn have caused and then distributes it as low rent housing and rates rebates then that is exactly what they are doing. Cynically buying votes at the expense of the future generations and the future of this country - short term gain for long term pain. Why else did City Vision vote for rates hikes and C&R was the only group to vote against them? don't tell me it was just another in a long line of 'one off" levies to pay for "infrastrucutre".

    If the council pulled its horns in it could put several $100K into fixing the water and wastewater infrastruture for the good of all and future generations.

    Auckland • Since Sep 2007 • 67 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    City vision's policy is to raise rates and user charges and then subsidise their voters out of council income. Then they try to kill the goose that lays the golden egg by imposing massive fines and compliance costs on business over signs. They have hurt so many hard working small business owners that the anger is bearly containable. Try walking up and down dominion road and talking to people - can't say I've seen a single CV candidate doing that while I've been out and about!

    Why do Labour and City vision hate small business owners so much? I really would love to know.

    Auckland • Since Sep 2007 • 67 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deriving satisfaction from…,

    Unfortunately the road to hell really is paved with good intentions

    Auckland • Since Sep 2007 • 67 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deriving satisfaction from…,

    Yes the Voltaire view sounds OK to me. I'm not a fan of B Tamaki or any fundamentalist religion, but looking at it completely objectively you would have to admit:

    The self riighteousness of any group is dwarfed by the self riighteousness of the political left.

    Auckland • Since Sep 2007 • 67 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deriving satisfaction from…,

    I think you should rename this post "Deriving pleasure from ridiculing the beliefs of others" as a more appropriate title!

    Auckland • Since Sep 2007 • 67 posts Report

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