Posts by Rachel Prosser

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  • Hard News: Alone at Party Central,

    If you like Prime, then you can see who they should have cast in Scoundrels.

    Dog the Bounty Hunter, wife Beth, brother Tim and sons and daughters look far more Outrageous Fortune like than the cast who look, well, like they were playing the leads in Melrose Place 10 years ago.

    I think Dog would get on very well with Cheryl and Wayne in West Auckland

    Also - Heather and Hope are also very preppy names - don't quite have the same ring as Loretta and Pascalle

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Budget 2010: What’d you expect?,

    Although you'll have got a Monkey or three if you're in the top brackets. (One monkey=20 ponies)

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Budget 2010: What’d you expect?,

    For those wanting

    ponies :(

    I was expecting ponies.

    A "pony" is slang in Britain for a five fivers, or 25 pounds.

    So, about $52.75. How's that line up with your expectation?

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

  • Field Theory: LOLWTFBBQ,

    That's not any BBQ I've ever been too. Why cook slabs of meat instead of cutting to single serve size for the convienence of your guests.

    First time I encountered that was my first night in the USA, hosted by friends of my parents in Riverside California.

    They cooked a big slab of meat, and then cut it up and it was delicious!

    Particularly after living in the UK for 15 months where my desire to eat beef vanished for some reason (I never bought the tasteless offerings from my local supermarket - indoor not outdoor reared I think)

    I think you probably get more tender, jucier, tastier meat cooking it whole and then slicing after resting, rather than cutting it into bits - easier to get medium rare rather the well done. Of course, if you prefer it burnt....

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Stripped to the bone in…,

    To divert a while - I'm surprised there's been no comment about the Rugby Awards.

    Who votes for best referee? Was it Grant Nisbett and Graham Mourie and Andy Leslie, who I think decided the rest?

    It was obviously not the same people Sky surveyed (the players who picked Bryce Lawrence as the worst referee in the poll that was published.) A result that would have been duplicated if you surveyed crowd members sitting near us in the Paul Kelly Stand at AMI Stadium at Lancaster Park.

    BTW - It is WRONG that they are clean-stadium-ing AMI to be Christchurch Stadium - an invention no-one has ever heard of - rather than just calling it Lancaster Park.

    Lancaster Park was a brand in and of itself, as much as Eden Park, a real wasted opportunity IMO. It isn't a coincidence that the Jade/AMI renaming has coincided with a drop-off in people attending.

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

  • OnPoint: From the floor of the Tax…,

    Just clicked on the link to Gareth Morgan's new book on the sidebar.

    It looks interesting, and the end-of-life questions are well worth asking, as are "treat at all costs" vs" "quality of life" and "quality of death" issues. I'm looking forward to reading it.

    One thing jumped out at me in the media release though - to contrast 2 year old Porirua toddlers (unvaccinated) - why refer to a "90 year old Remuera Spinster" getting a bypass.

    Would she somehow be more deserving if she was a "Remuera Grandmother"? I'm not sure what stereotyping point he's making here and how her marital status is relevant. Maybe the example in the book would make more sense of it.

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: So-called celebrity justice,

    A Home Office spokeswoman said CCTVs "help communities feel safer".

    Oh... that's OK then. Appearance trumps reality, again.

    It isn't quite that simple. I used to work in the London Borough of Southwark, and one of our targets was to cut both crime and the fear of crime.

    The fear of crime can, taken overall, have a more debilitating effect on quality of life than overall than crime itself, and affect more people, create more adverse effects.

    If you are afraid of being mugged and never go out your quality of life is affected. If there are fewer people about, there are fewer people around to help out.

    Also, the cameras our part of London were monitored - I've been in the Southwark control room and there are people monitoring, moving between screens, stopping to zoom in on something suspicious but you can't watch every screen all the time.

    There were also policies for when a police officer could come in, and ask the cameras be directed to something specific, and the field of view of cameras were restricted so that they couldn't peer into someone's bedroom and focussed on private spaces.

    It was part of our policies under RIPA - the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, and the Safer Southwark Partnership.

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: A bigger breach?,

    To buy tickets just insert your credit card in this handy machine

    Same goes for baggage trollies at airports - $1US at I think LAX or JFK

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do these people even talk?,

    Good interview technique is as much about knowing when to move on (and get your ego out of the room) as when to push.

    Jeremy Paxman of BBC Newsnight had a famous interview where he asked Michael Howard "Did you threaten to overrule him" 14 times.

    It's now called "Doing a Paxo" by journalism students, but Paxman himself thought it wasn't great technique, but a failure of his to think of another way to ask the question. It effectively ended Howard's leadership bid at the time.

    " Paxman's explanation was that "by the time I'd asked the question five or six times... it was clear... that you [Howard] weren't going to answer it... at which point a voice came in my ear and said "The next piece of tape isn't cut, you'd better carry on with this for a while" and I'm afraid I couldn't think of anything else to ask you."

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do these people even talk?,

    And it does bear mention that MTS CEO Jim Mather rejected a joint bid in favour of going it alone

    Mather's press release, as quoted by Audrey Young puts it differently.

    Maori Television did not decide to go it alone, as stated by Dr Coleman. The IRB bid required that all bids were to be from individual broadcasters. Maori Television was advised by the IRB that it did not want any joint bids, nor did it want any bids which proposed sub-licensing. However, in response to the Prime Minister's expectation that Maori Television was required to ensure 100 per cent coverage, Maori Television approached the IRB with the requirement that our bid must allow for sub-licensing. This was agreed by the IRB.

    Christchurch • Since Mar 2008 • 228 posts Report

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