Posts by BenWilson

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  • Hard News: Body image and the media,

    Beowulf as he appears in the film...

    Aaaand the actor who plays him as he actually looks...

    It cracked me up the moment he opened his mouth when I saw it...I instantly recognized the voice.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    The question of to what extent what we know about pre-European Maori history is accurate is fascinating and has attracted a lot of scholarship, it's just unfortunate it's attracted other things.

    Pre-history does invite a lot of speculation. Hell, just about the only evidence left is speculation, in the form of oral traditions. It's really amazing just how much our ability to "know what happened" jumps at the discovery of writing, and that's the reason everything before is (perhaps unfairly) generally called prehistory. There's only so much you can read out of archeological remains.

    Telling fantastic stories about such times is fairly natural.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Body image and the media,

    I sometimes think the issue isn't really that the models are tall and thin (so long as they're healthy etc), more that "we" have decided the fashion model is meant to be some kind of sex object/desirable form.

    I'm pretty sure the market decided that one. Sex sells, and fashion is about selling. I don't think the meme 'sex sells' was something that needed to be pushed, it's more one of those truisms, a discovery, rather than a choice.

    But what confuses me is that the traditional model is not sexy on a purely heterosexual male view of the matter - if they were, they'd probably look more like porn stars. Perhaps the reason for this is that the target audience is not heterosexual men, and porn stars are even more confronting to women than fashion models.

    My own view is that fashion models look like they are pubescent. Thinness and disproportionately long legs characterize this age. That these have become symbols of general sexiness says something about human drives, even if it's hard to speak of them openly. Basically most of us experienced our first sexual feelings around this age, and that fact is burned into our memories at a level deeper than conscious choice can control.

    I do not find 13 year old girls particularly sexy now, but a fully grown woman who reminds me of one in her look reminds me a great deal of my sexual youth. I don't know if they have the same effect on women (who are the targets of the advertising), but it's a possibility.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Body image and the media,

    The most obese guy I know is also the only person who regularly buys Men's Health and various other bodybuilding mags. His time in the gym, however, has not made him ripped at all, instead it's served to increase his already considerable mass and make him freakishly strong. Once in a tussle with him I experienced exactly what Grendel must have felt when Beowulf laid hands on him. I'm much more envious of that than I am of people who look like Beowulf from the recent movie.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    but yeah i will let his tyres down if i catch him again:)

    Speak softly, but carry a matchstick :-)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Body image and the media,

    Seriously, can someone stab me before we have this conversation again? Unpacking all the wrong takes so long, and is so frustrating and (apparently) pointless.

    </mercy stab>

    And wouldn't it be nice if we could get away from" here's what a normal person looks like".

    Most of the people I know are 'normal'. And they all look different.

    So I guess that means models are normal too.

    I know that this issue usually focuses on females, but I'd be interested in knowing if many males feel the same pressure that many females seem to feel?

    Well I can only speak for the people I know, but all of the males are overweight and none of them are happy about it. They might be less unhappy about it than women, though. Hard to say. How do you measure it?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    It's like watching the social contract get thrown out the window.

    Not only is it like that, it is that. Must dig up my social contract and give it a ritual window where is the pesky thing?

    How Lindsay Perigo.

    So it's on me to pick someone uncool who believes in social contracts now? Shouldn't be about Locke? Check out his retro metal-hairdo. Tell me he isn't living in the past :-).

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    If you saw a Japanese businessman in a suit, what culture do you think he would be representing ?

    Samurai Japan, of course.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Southerly: Still a Scientist at Heart,

    Bees do seem to like blue. I've noticed this, while tramping in bee-ridden areas near Nelson. If you've got blue gear on, you're more likely to be swatting the buggers away.

    Must suck to be a smurf.

    Generally, I quite like bees. They are only aggressive if you actually stand on them, or attack their hive, otherwise they just go about their wonderful and important buzz-ness. Wasps are another matter, but I've also noticed - more bees=less wasps.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    I meant what is usually meant by pub. A bar.

    Yes, places like this serve some kind of similar purpose, but each has its own rules. I'm giving you a friendly notice of them, just as you could do to your dude and his boat, whilst in no official capacity myself. Seems like the right thing to do, people often aren't aware of norms until they are pointed out. I don't need to wait for someone to get hurled forcefully out of a bar to tell them that they're on that course.

    as for stirring. nah i gather shellfish from there. it's a source of food for me and if they damage it i'm going to damage a source that impacts on their ability to source food. fools betta recognize!

    LOL, I think you misunderstood. I meant you are stirring us, not the guy on the boat. You have no intention of tagging his car and slashing his tyres, because it's not necessary, not effective, and it could land you in a world of hurt. Just talk to him first, and take a photo if he is uncooperative. Maybe he doesn't have any idea about your perspective, and will be glad to find out that he's offending, so he can change his ways. Then you could make a friend rather than an enemy.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts Report

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