Posts by DCBCauchi

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  • Cracker: Spotted, in reply to JacksonP,

    I don’t think Winston needs to be in Parliament…


    Oh boring! No matter what else you might think, the man's got style.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Occupy: Don't call it a protest, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    Yes, good to have clarified. Especially the note about obstruction.

    I particularly liked: ‘However one concern remains. Police training does not cover this issue and it seems that some officers feel free to make up their own powers as they go. We recommend that the NZ Police should make sure that this is included in initial and continuing training.’

    I reckon most police are ordinary people trying to do their best in trying circumstances. What else would they be? Monsters?

    The problem is inadequate resourcing and ineffective leadership, compounded by an insular adversarial ‘thin blue line against chaos’ culture. And people make bad decisions when they’re under pressure and not properly supported, especially when they’re repeatedly told by the people they should listen to that they can do no wrong. And even more when there’s no personal responsibility for those decisions.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Cracker: Spotted, in reply to Sacha,

    sadly his ‘job’ seems to be getting attention.

    Of course it's not. It's being a representative voice for the disenfranchised.

    (There is such a thing as benefit of the doubt, you know. For a reason.)

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Occupy: Don't call it a protest, in reply to Sacha,

    It’s aimed at migrants who distrust police from their home country?

    Cos nothing like what happens in other countries happens here eh? It's not the NZ way. Nothing like nasty police state England where police informers infiltrate groups of people exercising their democratic right to protest, encourage them into illegal acts, and then rat them out and lie in court?

    So let's reassure the migrants nothing at all like that happens here. Cos it doesn't. Nothing to see here, just move along.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Cracker: Spotted,

    I don't think Winston needs to be in Parliament to do his job.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Cracker: Spotted, in reply to Damian Christie,

    Actually from what I've seen, I think all Mr Peters' years of hating out at the media have finally come home to roost. He's been denied entry to the two minor leaders' debates on TVNZ because NZF doesn't meet the criteria.

    You say 'hating out at the media'. I say 'demonstrating the media's inadequacies in a highly amusing manner'. He calls them as he sees them. Nothing wrong with that.

    Oh no, and he's being punished by being left out of some lame televised debate! Gee, that'll really slow him down. Petulant fools.

    The media needs Winston a lot more than Winston needs the media.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Occupy: Don't call it a protest, in reply to Sacha,

    I do not think you have to give your name and address.


    Yeah, that I couldn’t remember offhand. And it’s a quite reasonable requirement. (Though I do have a story of it being used unreasonably.)

    I did notice that the police website’s information was a little light on relevant details but big on reassurance they have our best interests at heart, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding. Wonder why that could be. Oops, someone else who’s destroyed trust and respect perhaps? Then discovered they actually need it and so try to require it of people without earning it?

    [Snap: Excellent authoritative sounding summary from Matthew.]

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Occupy: Don't call it a protest,

    Short answer as I understand: If you are in a public place and are stopped by the police, you can ask why you are being questioned and refuse to answer any questions they ask. Whoever you are. I do not think you have to give your name and address. If they cite the Misuse of Drugs Act and have reasonable cause, they can search you.

    The police have no right to harass you. Nor require you to explain yourself to them, especially if you are going about your lawful business. Be firm and polite.

    They’re there for you, not you for them, despite what they might think. And beware their self-serving definitions of ‘respect’ and ‘attitude’. Remember any identifying marks they might have and don’t let them talk to you out of other people’s hearing.

    But I could be wrong. Maybe we live in a police state.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Occupy: Don't call it a protest, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    So you’re alleging that the Dunedin fuzz put the city council up to this? That’s a pretty hefty allegation. Got proof?

    Nope. Not alleging that at all. But can you see the Council doing it without checking with the cops first?

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Cracker: Spotted,

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

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