Posts by Steve Curtis

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  • Hard News: Doing over the witness, in reply to Dylan Reeve,

    they police is that they know better than we armchair critics how to manage there resources.

    A Coroner has criticised police for taking more than seven months to interview a man who supplied alcohol to a teen found dead the next morning.
    Armchair critics ? But of course nothing to see here say keyboard apologists.

    Delays on relatively minor cases, such as accessing computers should be, are legendary. But not this time it seems that like flotsam it has risen to the top of the list

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: Doing over the witness,

    How does the jurisdiction work where Cathy Odgers is concerned, given that she (as I understand) spends much of her live in Hong Kong, and presumably carried out many of the alleged actions from there?

    Ask Kim Dot Com how those jurisdiction issues work ?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: History repeats: New…,

    I thought Herkts previous 'histories' were more of a 'screenplay' version.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: An Open Letter To David Cunliffe,

    "Think positive, Act positive, Vote Labour"

    _was the British Labour slogan in 1983, with Michael Foot as leader.

    The result was Labours worst result since 1918.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Compulsory voting and election turnout, in reply to Martin Brown,

    You forget that the compulsion in Australia extends down to the bottom of the food chain, local councils too.
    Plus there is state elections and when I was there the councils voted one third of Councillors every year.
    And the Senate, until recently was at a different date to the House of Representatives

    Plus it was all ways the preferential voting system where <i> every</i> candidate had to be ranked.
    Because they have had it for about a century they can get away with it, NZ ?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: A call from Curia,

    If they are running their polling questions this close to election, its likely to find out how various messages have worked for various demographics.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: A call from Curia,

    Code of Practice from ( Market) Research Association NZ.
    Article 1 – Basic principles
    Market research shall be legal, honest, truthful and objective and be carried out in accordance with appropriate scientific principles.
    Market research shall be clearly distinguished and separated from non-research activities including any commercial activity directed at individual respondents (e.g. advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, direct selling etc.).

    If it was push polling, then they would have to distinguish ( how?) from real polling

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: 1600 beneficiaries moving into…,

    Yes, 1600 a week is not a lot.

    SkyTv has 865,000 subscribers, their churn rate ( from annual report) is 13.2%, which would be 2195 per week.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: The End of Trust, in reply to Paul Brislen,

    They knew what his day job was/is but didn’t bother to inform the audience.

    Farrar is PAID by the National party for a whole lot of things. Polls sounds innocent until you know he is polling specific National policies or reactions to Labour policies.
    Then on top of that Farrars is Nationals go to guy for election boundaries and the whole census results for political purposes.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

  • Hard News: But seriously, drug policy,

    communities (which might be local councils, but could be iwi or affinity groups) decide on the details of drug legalisation/regulation/prohibition for their people?

    We used to have this for alcohol. When I first was eligible to vote we had a prohibition question on the ballot paper. Eventually Big Alcohol undermined it. Large parts of Auckland were 'dry' right up to the late 70s.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 314 posts Report

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