Posts by Ewan Morris
and also: statues
and on a similar note: rabbit hole
Thanks for this piece, Hilary. But did I miss what your connection was to the Samoan flu story?
Before Trump's election, there was support for Trump from sections of the right within the US, but outside the US people across the political spectrum (with the exception of the Farages, Le Pens etc) were pretty much united in saying that Trump's election would be a disaster.
One thing that's disappointed me since Trump was elected, however, is that many on the right are now trying to normalise Trump's behaviour and to say the left is being hysterical and should get over itself. This despite all the evidence that a Trump Presidency will be at least as bad in reality as it was in prospect. I know people, whether on the right or the left, are often inclined to excuse the behaviour of 'their side', but it's the suddenness of the change of tone on the supposedly respectable right that I find somewhat depressing.
Brexitrump - combines two of the major shocks of the year, and also useful to describe how one shock can top another ('X has brexitrumped Y').
Bubble-bursting - there's been much talk this year of people living in (political/cultural) bubbles, and being forced by events to confront the views of those outside those bubbles.
Not very catchy, I know, but it encapsulates a lot about what's been happening politically this year.
Hard News: Trump's Dummkopfs, in reply to
And further from the Guardian, this piece from David Eggers, who attended a Trump rally, makes it more difficult to write off all Trump supporters as stupid and bigoted.
OnPoint: Yeah nah, but what *do* we…, in reply to
That flag is the flag of the independent Kingdom of Hawaii.
It was, but it's also been appropriated as the flag of the US state of Hawai'i. Despite this, it is still used by many Native Hawaiians as an assertion of Hawaiian sovereignty.
Over on Pundit a little while ago, Tim Watkin was arguing that Hosking, Henry, Espiner, Williams, Garner and Campbell were all 'talented question-askers' who have 'earned it' with their 'broadcast skill'. I asked him what exactly Hosking 'does' and what his 'skill' is. Didn't get a very convincing answer.